Hooniverse Weekend Edition: Historic Ferrari 625/250 Testa Rossa via Motor Mavens

Last weekend I ran a Story about a Porsche 356 that is about to receive an Audi upgrade, written by Tamer Omram for Motor Mavens. It’s great to see that other car related sites are discovering Hooniverse, and it seems that Tamer wrote about this Ferrari at the Concorso Ferrari show in Old Town Pasadena, that was held in May. Read more after the jump….

The owner of this ride is Bruce Meyer, the founding chairman of the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. According to Tamer:

Let’s take a moment to really appreciate this 1957 Ferrari 625/250TR (Testa Rossa). It’s not very often that we get to see a living legend with our own eyes. What struck me the most about this car wasn’t even anything close to the horsepower nor the torque specs. No… what struck me most about this car was the almost palpable racing pedigree that it exudes – a pedigree the likes of which I’ve only read about in books or seen in classic racing movies.

To read more about this exquisie Ferrari go over to Motor Mavens.

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  1. scroggzilla Avatar


  2. Mike_the_Dog Avatar

    Oh, yes. I loves me some curvy redhead. The sexy lines of the waist leading into the hips, the fiery disposition that warns that she might turn on you with disastrous consequences at any turn, the thrill of running your fingers through her… Wait, this was supposed to be about the car, wasn't it?

  3. tomran Avatar

    its OMRAN… lol haha thanks for the traffic guys, and i hope you guys enjoyed this article as much as i did telling it.. Pop on by to the site and check out all the articles i've done to date. Thanks UDman for the post.

    1. Mike_the_Dog Avatar

      Only if you pop on by my Flickr stream and check out my car pix. That sounds like an equitable arrangement, does it not?

  4. animated smileys Avatar

    Ferrari is such an incredible brand, Italians sure know how to build a sports car. The new models are impressive, like the Ferrari 430 but the prices are getting insane. My favorite model is still the Ferrari F50.