Mystery Car

Mystery_Car_08_03_13Some mysteries will probably never be solved- like where do lost socks go, or why other people’s farts smell so terrible when your own are usually quite pleasant. Thanks to the collective awesomeness of the Hooniverse, the weekly Mystery Car can’t be counted among those unknowables.

In case you’re new here, the rules are to provide the make, model, probable production years and likely engine for the win. Now, while you’re all contemplating today’s candidate, I’ve got some socks to count and Taco Bell to eat. 

Image source: ©2013 Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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13 responses to “Mystery Car”

  1. dropgate Avatar

    Pretty sure that the 1948 Davis 3-wheeler. Most had a Hercules or Continental 4 cylinder, but there was at least one made with a Ford flathead V8.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. dropgate Avatar

      Better pic of the dash. Davis for sure.
      <img src=""&gt;

      1. Robert Emslie Avatar
        Robert Emslie

        Very well done!

      2. Devin Avatar

        There was someone who posted about having a Davis here, I really hope he's still around to talk about driving Davises. Because I want to know.

        1. BlackIce_GTS Avatar

          Was it Junkman? Did he ever come over here? Redactnik made a video about his collection*, which has a Davis in it. Apparently they've been doing some interviews, but I'm still working up the energy to wade through the 'new, less-navigable-than-ever version eleventy' to find them.
          *They don't mention his screen name, but I'm pretty sure that's Junkman. He mentions having a V8 Porsche and has the same colour Powell.

        2. mdharrell Avatar

          That's the guy who posts as junkman. He's also mentioned having a MEBEA Robin and an Isuzu 117.

      3. Kamil_K Avatar

        I actually saw that very car in person… and still failed at identifying. 🙁

    2. Roberto G. Avatar
      Roberto G.

      Just unbelievable!

    3. kyle_a_m Avatar

      Well, that was quick. Bravo!
      Also, could somebody page Toucan Sam? His car is double-parked.

  2. Batshitbox Avatar

    Can the mystery car be a pickup truck? That's one heck of a curved windshield for what appears to be a pre-war dash. And the cutaway for the passenger… I'm guessing that's a smallish compartment.
    EDIT: Well, call me Captain Slow.

  3. Marto Avatar

    I have this theory about the odd socks thing: every time you come across that odd sock of which you've been looking for the mate, you are actually holding the 'mate' and the 'original' is now missing. But they look identical, so you never know which you've got. I'm only half joking.

  4. Mister X Avatar
    Mister X

    It was clearly late 40's with the choke and steering wheel trim, and at first I thought the under dash levers were for an overdrive unit and parking brake, but now seeing the body, I'd wager they're for the hood and headlight doors.