Mystery Car


Red. . .  I should have known it would be red. That was Mrs. White’s reaction to her daughter’s prom dress (which was actually pink, but you know, crazy) in the classic horror movie Carrie. Today’s Mystery Car is actually red, and while I doubt anyone’s waiting to dump a bucket of pig blood on the ultimate solver of this contest, you never know.

Because her mother was off her rocker, Carrie White  suffered innumerable rules and constraints by which she was forced to live. In contrast, we only have four rules for solving the weekly Mystery Car, those being that the solution must include the make, model, likely engine and year range for full credit. Anything less and I’m locking the gym doors and setting off the fire hose. Now, where’s that damn Amy Irving?

Image: ©2013 Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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19 responses to “Mystery Car”

  1. B72 Avatar

    It's not a 3rd gen Dodge Dakota with a 5.2 V8 because the windshield washers are in the wrong place.
    <img src=";, width=500>

  2. muthalovin Avatar

    Yeah, from about this angle, it totally looks like an NSX.
    <img src="; width=550>

    1. muthahatin Avatar

      god your shit is getting annoying

      1. Devin Avatar

        Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love.
        I don't wanna do none of the above.

  3. quattrovalvole Avatar
    1. danleym Avatar

      I don't know, looks like the top spec one tops out at 110mph, not that fast…

  4. Vavon Avatar

    Lancia Ypsilon, 1996- 2003, 1100-1400cc, Available in 112 colours!!!
    <img src=""&gt;
    Gratuitous Peugeot in pic is gratuitous…

    1. Vavon Avatar

      I deleted my initial comment as the computer decided to log me in on another account…

    2. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
      mr. mzs zsm msz esq

      Gah which one do I thumbs-up!?!?!?! Congrats Vavon! Were the 112 colors the web safe palette?

      1. Vavon Avatar

        The second one!!!

      2. Vavon Avatar

        Here's a selection of the available colors!
        <img src=""&gt;

    3. $kaycog Avatar

      Good job, ami! I'm impressed. 😀

  5. Robert Emslie Avatar
    Robert Emslie

    Excellent eyeballing! That one happens to be parked on a street in Veria, a city in Northern Greece.

  6. dukeisduke Avatar

    So what was last week's Mystery Car?

    1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
      mr. mzs zsm msz esq scroll down, it was incredible, Scott and Devin worked together to nail it.

  7. dukeisduke Avatar

    Looks like a misshapen Daihatsu Charade.

  8. c107 Avatar

    in case that's not been solved, herr's my shot: Lancia Y, 1995-2003

    1. kyle_a_m Avatar

      Yup. looks about right to me. Judges?
      <img src="; width="600">