Hoonivercinema- Monday Music Video (NSFW)

mad fluffaducker

As we have seen with dash cams, meteor attacks, and tiger-wrestling political leaders, everything is more badass in Russia. That goes equally for the country’s indie rockers and, if this insane and uber-violent music video is any example, so are their film directors and editors.

The band is Biting Elbows and the song’s title is the NSFW rhyme to mad fluff-a-ducker. Staged as a first person shooter about an office escape, it features amazing stunts, more blood than vampire’s birthday party, and a pack of Gaz 24 Volgas that are wicked cool. But be forewarned before making the jump that this video is seriously NSFW for the violence and the fact that the song’s title is also its chorus. 

[vimeo width=”720″ height=”514″]http://vimeo.com/62092214#[/vimeo]

Source: Vimeo

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5 responses to “Hoonivercinema- Monday Music Video (NSFW)”

  1. quijoteMike Avatar

    over 8 and a half million views in 7 days on YouTube.
    The one before it, ie how he gets into a hood at the beginning is here

    1. Dean Bigglesworth Avatar
      Dean Bigglesworth

      Tithes like that in the preview-picture can't hurt.

  2. dculberson Avatar

    As far as I can tell, this was filmed through pure magic. It's the only plausible explanation.

  3. BobWellington Avatar

    I just don't see how this is even possible. Pretty nutz.

  4. Cosmo Avatar

    i only watched because of the titties thumbnail lol!
    Jailbait pictures
    Peace out bye.