Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.
If Schoolhouse Rock taught us anything, it’s that three is a magic number. Last week we were looking for three-wheelers, and you all certainly came up with some magical offerings. We’ll get to the trinity in a sec, but first, this week’s quest!
To Infinti and beyond! Out of the three upscale Japanese brands introduced in late eighties and early nineties, Nissan’s Infiniti has probably realized the least success – at least until Acura developed amnesia about what kinds of cars they make. The earliest Infinitis were across the board more interesting than their Lexus competitors, and yet Lexus succeeded while Infiniti could only manage to get everyone interested in rock gardens. Let’s see what of those early cars we can find, from the M30 (I told you, Lexus doesn’t make a convertible) to the G20, the fanciest Sentra ever to be sold, and the suppositorial J30. Let’s celebrate the Infiniti of old!
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.
Why would anyone want a trike? Well, obviously because four wheels is too many, and with only two you fall over. There is a sense of third-world jauntiness that is projected by the three-wheeled jitney, or alternatively, American high school shop class by the various V8 and otherwise-powered trikes out there. One of my favorites of the former was this “Delivery Motorcycle” found by Jeepster. It makes me want to hawk chicken feet and tushonaya kapusta at a crowded rustic market.
At the other end of the spectrum was what could possibly be considered the craziest – and perhaps most likely to turn you and a friend into a road smear – which is this Suzuki B-King Ruko Straßen.- und Sportgespann, which was found by Krautwursten. Holy crap that looks insane, and with a claimed 135 kw (about 181 hp) you’d have to be nuts to climb into that Auber-low sidecar! Congrats to Krautwursten, and thanks to you all for providing all the trikes, it was like kindergarten all over again.
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