Superformance and the Daytona Coupe

If you asked me: what’s your favorite car you’ve ever driven? I’d have a number of different answers to give you. On that list, without question though, is the Daytona Coupe. It’s raw. It’s loud. It’s gorgeous. And it’s done oh so right by the great team at Superformance in Irvine, California.
For years, cars like this were stuck in that kit car realm which meant you had to buy it in pieces and then figure out how to get that engine and transmission bolted in place. Times have changed, and so have the laws surrounding these machines. Now you can show up and plunk down your cash and then walk away with a fire-breathing bit of American motorsports history that’s all your own.
No, you’ll never own an original Daytona coupe. They made six of them. None are currently for sale, and if one was it would be worth tens of millions of dollars. For a small fraction of that, you can put one that’s more comfortable and probably more capable in your garage…

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  1. Bryce Womeldurf Avatar

    The perfect video to watch, the perfect exhaust to hear, on 4/27.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      I didn’t even realize that…

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        This makes for straightFordward coverage over the next couple of days, then on 4/30 there’s the 1958 Super Marauder:

        1. jeepjeff Avatar

          I wouldn’t bank on coverage being straightforward, but we can thank NASCAR for these late April days just falling inline.

    2. Van_Sarockin Avatar

      I’d be happier to hear that on 2-89.

  2. Ross Ballot Avatar
    Ross Ballot

    Drooled all over me keyboard, thanks Jeff!

  3. Stephen Avatar

    I think it’s great that a liveable replica can be purchased at a fairly reasonable pricepoint. It’s a shape that should be seen more and a sound that should be heard more.