Track Tuesday: Name That Track

Welcome to Track Tuesday where you are asked to identify a (maybe) famous race or test track from just one closely-cropped aerial image. This week we’re looking for not just the track, but the corner number and its name. Good luck!
Image: ©2015 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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  1. Jofes2 Avatar

    The amount of sand makes me think of Laguna Seca (that corner after the corkscrew-slope maybe?), but, of course, it could be anything with sand.

  2. engineerd Avatar

    I’ve decided I’m just going to answer Gingerman until it’s the right answer.

    1. Monkey10is Avatar

      I see: The “NSX strategy”!
      And how well do you expect that to work?

  3. Closed 24/7 Avatar
    Closed 24/7

    It’s not quite right, but I’m going with Istanbul Park GP, turn 12.

  4. OxfordCommaForever Avatar

    I feel like it’s the downhill part of the corkscrew at Laguna Seca

  5. onrails Avatar

    Too tight for the corkscrew. Where else has blue/white curbing?

  6. Matt Avatar


  7. DClan Avatar

    Reminds me of Turn 8 at Mazda Laguna Seca.

  8. Ryan Avatar

    That’s turns 9 and 10 at Estoril, Portugal.