Podcast: Episode 61 – Finn it to win it!

Podcast-Image-Lead-61 Ladies and gentleman, ready up your ear holes… it’s time for Finland to invade them. Our guest this week is none other than Mr. Antti Kautonen, our very own European Editor. He’s in California for ten days, so this is just the first of two podcast episodes with our favorite Finn. When we knew Antti was coming to the states we had to arrange the appropriate vehicles for him to drive. First up? A 2014 Dodge Challenger RT Blacktop. After that? A Ram 3500… ‘MURICA. So sit back, open your brains and ears, and allow the dulcet love metal voice of Antti Kautonen mix with Blake Z. Rong and producer Chris Hayes. Hop the jump and hit play already. Hooniverse – Finn it to win it. Please go to iTunes and rank and review us. We need your love to allows us to keep spreading our love. I’m talking about the podcast… pervert.

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