NONWICK – Prepping my 1967 Ford Mustang for Fresh Wiring

Disassembly is complete. Disassembly was pretty easy. The hard part is all ahead of me, and that bit of project car anxiety is creeping in at full speed. Especially since I’ve opened the box and started unfolding all of the wiring that’s about to go into the car. It’s a whole lot of colored bits that need to connect to all the right areas in all the right ways. And all it signifies is that I have a TON of work left on this thing.

I’ve now sold off essentially every bit of running gear that was formerly attached to this old Mustang. The engine, transmission, driveshaft, rear end, suspension, brakes, wheels, and tires are all gone. It needs to be in order to make room for new stuff. But while the old has vanished, I think the time is right to go in and lay out the wiring. Obviously I’m missing some pretty major points of connection since I don’t have an engine, but to have it all laid out and ready will be key to keeping this project prepped.

I purchased the full wiring kit from Painless and my first though upon seeing it splayed on my garage floor was emotionally the opposite of painless. However, upon closer inspection, I can see that literally every wire is labeled. They all say exactly what the wire is for and where it needs to go. That gives me great hope that maybe this actually will be relatively painless. I believe the main part of this that will be tough will be the time spent making sure it’s all laid out nicely and cleanly. I want wires tucked away. They’ll be covered in the Painless Power Braid covering. It should all make for a clean and tidy wiring layout when it’s all said and done.

The other thing I plan on tackling while I have space to do so is to try my hand at a bit of welding. I bought a Mig 90 from Eastwood, and I’m currently practicing on some scrap metal. Eventually, though, my plan is to cut out the bad bit of the passenger side fender apron to weld in a clean piece, which I’ve previously purchased. It’s a spot where it doesn’t need to look good, but it does need to hold well because it’s where the battery tray bolts into place.

Beyond that, I’m currently able to start moving the front and rear suspension into position. I have every bit of the front, plus the steering bits, too. Out back, however, only one of my two leaf springs has arrived. But I need to wait on that install anyway since I don’t actually have a rear end yet, either.

I’m sourcing, hunting, and scouring the likes of FB Marketplace, Craigslist, and my own bank account. That’s because I’m weighing my options on what I should buy new and what is okay to buy used. The price difference is substantial, but for some items, the piece of mind of a fresh bit of gear might outweigh future headaches.

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2 responses to “NONWICK – Prepping my 1967 Ford Mustang for Fresh Wiring”

  1. Sjalabais Avatar

    I bought a Mig 90

    There was a split second when I thought a Soviet fighter jet purchase is easily worth a post of its own.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker
