Look But Don't Touch – The San Marino Motor Classic

There’s car shows, and then there’s those snooty events known as either a Concours d Elegance, or Motor Classic. The former feature cars that range from stuff you might see on the street to rare but obtainable classics, while the latter is typically filled with iron so valuable it could require Brinks guards to protect.
Next Sunday’s San Marino Motor Classic is one of those high brow events, and it looks like I’ll be judging Jaguars there. Sponsored by the Peterson, and featuring classics from some of Southern California’s most exclusive collections, the show will take over San Marino’s verdant Lacy Park, a venue not lacking in manicured elegance.

The show takes place on June 12th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Lacy Park, and there is an entrance fee for spectators. This is however a charitable event, benefitting the Pasadena Humane Society, which is a pretty good place to send your money.  Tickets are $25 in advance, or $30 at the gate, and there’ll be plenty of noshery there for brunching and lunching.
If you’re in LA this Sunday, and want to see some amazing cars (seriously, I’ve seen the entry list), some 200 in all, and don’t mind dropping some cash, stop on by. I’ll be the guy in the blue blazer, tie with the clipboard, climbing under the E-types, so say hi.
Find out  more details at San Marino Motor Classic.

San Marino Motor Classic classes are:
A-1 Jaguar – XK 120-140-150
A-2 Jaguar – XKE Series 1 & 1-1/2
B-1 Porsche – 356
B-2 Porsche – 911 Thru 1973
C-1 Corvette Thru 1973
D-1 Ferrari – 166/195/212/250
D-2 Ferrari – 275/330/365
D-3 Ferrari – Dinos
E-1 Italian Sports Cars Thru 1967
F-1 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing/Roadster Thru 1962
F-2 Mercedes-Benz Thru 1962
G-1 Race Cars – Post War Thru 1965
H-1 Cobra – Original Thru 1967
I-1 Hot Rods – Original (No Reproductions)
J-1 Woodies (Original)
K-1 Contemporary Super Cars – Exhibit Only
L-1 Brass Era Thru 1919
M-1 CCCA Classics

Image source: [sanmarinomotorclassic.com]

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  1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    And you're judging a "snooty" event like that? I'm guess I'm going to have to start treating you with more respect. Like not interrupting you on the Hoonicast to give my know-nothing opinions.

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      Wouldn't it be easier just to lower your opinion of the event instead?

  2. lilwillie Avatar

    $25 bucks to go look at cars? Hell, you could buy three cases of Natty lite and come look at my junk for that money.
    /sounds like a good time, enjoy yourself!

    1. alcology Avatar

      That totally went a different way in my head until I read it a couple times.

    2. Charles_Barrett Avatar

      If one isn't aware that you repair and restore old cars, your statement takes on a whole different meaning… In fact it sounds a lot like something I would say…

      1. lilwillie Avatar

        Well, I of course Blame Charles for my statement having a dual meaning.

  3. OA5599 Avatar

    I-1 Hot Rods – Original (No Reproductions)
    So how does that work? You try and bring in a Deuce Coupe with a SBC, and they tell you, "Nope. It's been done before plenty of times. Not original. You're just reproducing a tried and true recipe."
    Convert an Auburn Speedster to run a Packard V-12 mounted behind the rear axle, and they tell you, "I've never seen that combination before. Sounds original to me. You're in!"

  4. Charles_Barrett Avatar

    So close, and yet so far… Randy and I will be in SoCal that weekend, to attend my 30th reunion at my old prep school (The Thacher School), in Ojai, a great party every five years that I never miss.
    Have a great time judging Jags, Rob…!

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      My high school graduating class is so lame that they never got around to planning a 25 Year class reunion. This summer is our 30th, and everybody assures me that "some people" are planning something. I'm not holding my breath. Not even sure I care at this point.

  5. longrooffan Avatar

    Rob…Sweet gig. It was only a couple years ago that I was fortunate enough to merely overhear some judges discussing the entrants at the Winter Park Concours, a free event BTW, and only then realized what the depth of evaluation of these vehicles entails. At that show, it brought to mind the items we Building Industry Parade of Homes judges look for. Have a blast and enjoy your time. Pics possible?

  6. Sidecar57 Avatar

    Jaguars! Let the oiling of the lawn commence.

  7. Armand4 Avatar

    Have fun! Last month I had the pleasure of judging at a Concours up here in NorCal, but I was fortunate enough to be assigned to judge American station wagons from 1950-1969. There were several potential Hooniverse staff cars there.
    As an aside, I hope for your sake you'll be judging by the "Amelia Island rules." Otherwise, get ready for a whole lot of complaining from a whole lot of rich old men.

    1. Van Sarockin Avatar
      Van Sarockin

      And what are those rules? Sounds like they could be handy in many situations.

      1. Armand4 Avatar

        "Amelia Island rules" are like those of the original French Concours d'Elegance– you judge a car based on how elegant (or, if you're looking at old station wagons, totally kickass) it is. It's wholly subjective, for better and for worse. "SCCA rules," on the other hand, mean you go over the car with a fine-toothed comb making sure it was restored with the proper type of hose clamps, and if any of the NOS hose clamps are installed backwards, you take points away from the car.

        1. Van Sarockin Avatar
          Van Sarockin

          Thanks for the explanation. Many things should be judged in comparison to a slammed Nomad wagon. Too many restorations are overly anal/OCD, till there's no soul left to the car. But, it totally wrecks the gestalt when someone's mixed in Reed & Prince screws with the Phillips heads. You have to draw the line somewhere!

  8. CptSevere Avatar

    Holy hell, Graverobber, I never realized that you were that cool. A judge at a Concours like this? I'm standing in awe. Give 'em hell.

  9. dragon951 Avatar

    Score! Closer than ever, right around the corner. Now for the hard part: Waking up by 10 on a Sunday…or 4 for that matter. I'll presumably be in the B section, the one downing Advil by the fistful.

  10. SSurfer321 Avatar

    Congrats on the judging gig!
    Just don't expect us to start addressing you as "You Honor" 🙂
    I plan on attending the Keeneland Concours D'Elegance (Lexington, KY) this July and should get plenty of pics to share. Unfortunately The Mrs. and I missed the preview party sponsored by Maserati 🙁