Last Call: Turns Out, Where We're Going We Do Need Roads Edition

I know that back in the future we’re not supposed to even need roads, but looking at this Norwegian two-lane wending its way across these islands sure makes me glad that they still exist.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged. 
Image: Chateau do Vinnie

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26 responses to “Last Call: Turns Out, Where We're Going We Do Need Roads Edition”

  1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

    That’s a Fjord Excursion.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Agreed, a Prefect road.

      1. dead_elvis Avatar

        Do you know where your towel is?

  2. Fuhrman16 Avatar

    That is quite lovely.

  3. Jeepster Avatar

    Other than the HOON, what other auto websites do you go to daily ? Bangshift – Hemmings Daily – Bring a trailer – Barnfinds – Engine swap depot – Jalopy Journal. Am I missing any other good ones …………….

    1. Eric Masek Avatar
      Eric Masek

      The truth about cars.

      1. mrh1965 Avatar

        I gave up on TTAC after reading endless Chrysler death watch articles in 2009 – 2010. I’m not even a Chrysler fan but c’mon man. I guess all those pieces about how much their sales would have to improve, and how that totally wasn’t going to happen, may just have been bullshit. Fuck them.

    2. Alff Avatar

      Most of my auto related surfing is based on need or perceived need. Today I registered for clickclickracing, a site devoted to the venerable Ford AOD, and hit In both cases looking for some tech help with a couple of my cars. Last week I spent a lot of time lurking on, seeking info on a cooling issue with my pickup. Alfabb and VWVortex are also regular destination.
      When I get depressed that I have a bunch of crappy cars I hit Craigslist and invariably look for more.

      1. Jeepster Avatar

        Excellent – I do the same thing on Craigslist !! Glad I am not the only one.

    3. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      craigslist and ebay themselves are not exclusively automotive, but my daily use of them is.

    4. ptschett Avatar
      ptschett for general Mopar news/forums; & for info/forums specific to my cars.
      For overall industry news I turn to TTAC & Autoblog. I’ll occasionally read the comments & sometimes even leave a comment myself at TTAC, but not at Autoblog.

    5. wunno sev Avatar
      wunno sev

      Speedhunters is good, but you have to get use to skipping the prose and just looking at the pictures. blows my mind how many beautifully-executed cars are out there. i also generally skip anything that involves drifting, which is a solid quarter of the content.

    6. Sjalabais Avatar

      I mostly surf on the phone when there’s slack between meetings, when I’m with my kids etc. – looking for short attention span content. The quick start buttons include:
      Hooniverse, BaT, Jalopnik, TTAC, Hemmings Daily (even though this one’s not daily), and the German language, where I started the Volvo and SAAB forums in 2001 (for a time, this platform had the most active Volvo online community – yay!). Fairly standard stuff.

    7. tonyola Avatar

      I participate in The Truth About Cars, Bring a Trailer, and Curbside Classic. I also read Autoblog for general info, but I don’t comment there.

    8. longrooffan Avatar

      Hooniverse, Hemmings blog,, TTAC, goawaygarage. theviewthroughthewindshield,

    9. dukeisduke Avatar

      Hemmings Daily blog, ToyotaNation forums, and I scroll through Autoblog. TTAC and Barnfinds would good to look at.

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        Oh, and The Autoextremist, weekly anyway.

    10. Hatchtopia Avatar

      I see a lot of people go to BAT like I do, but don’t forget

  4. Guest Avatar

    I saw this ad today:


    It says “German engineering but with a Japanese favour. Engine still strong, needs a muffler. Need to down size the fleet.”

    Do you guys know Japanese flavour part referred to?

    Are they just comparing it to a Subaru, because it’s an all-wheel drive wagon, or is there something else?

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      It says, “Japanese favour“. I assume that means a Hello Kitty keychain.

    2. Maymar Avatar

      I just assume regular people know absolutely nothing about cars and it lets them develop really weird opinions. Like thinking (I’m assuming here) that the Kia Forte Koup is “sporty.”

      1. Sjalabais Avatar

        Now doesn’t that depend on the driver anyway?
        (I see what you’re saying, but nowadays almost every car seems capable of eating corners)

    3. peugeotdude505 Avatar

      It could be a JDM import, you see a fair number of Mercedes and BMWs brought over. You’ll be able to tell because it will have cloth seats and other interesting options that were rarely specced on the NA W124s
      I would ask a benz specialist to check the 4MATIC system, as I understand they can be scary expensive if an overhaul is needed.

      1. Guest Avatar

        Oh, I have no interest in buying it, as I already have a semi-high-tech car from 1990.

        I was just curious, and wondering if there was some fact I didn’t know and could learn.

        Oh, JDM import does seem entirely plausible. It does seem to be specced like one.

      2. Rover 1 Avatar
        Rover 1

        One of my W124s is ex Japanese. White non-metallic paint and EVERY single option available except for leather and sunroof.
        The cloth is very hard wearing and more comfortable than leather when very hot or very cold.