While Batman and Robin got to roll around in the flame-spitting Batmobile, Batgirl – portrayed by ballet dancer and actress Yvonne Craig – had to arrive at crime scenes riding this fringed and frilly two wheeler.Apparently, that’s a Yamaha YDS-5E underneath all the crimefighting paraphernalia. Poor Yamaha.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: 66BatMania
Last Call: Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah, Misogyny! Edition
Speaking of misogyny, here is a related (and hoon-related!) article I read about the issue, by Jack Baruth. I found it fairly interesting. Has anyone else noticed similar behavior on the roads?
That is an excellent article. (I’m not going to carp about the Iron John references.)
I’m always amazed when I get a brief glimpse of what girls have to put up with from boys. Amazed by girls’ patience, but depressed by the facts that make it necessary.
Once, dressed in bad drag and walking down the sidewalk at night, I got catcalled by a car full of bros. Eye opener. All it takes is a bit of long hair and an overcoat with a certain cut, I guess. They saw me from behind, and far away in the dark, so I can’t imagine they were razzing me for being a dude in drag. All the girls I told the story to said I was lucky it was only once in a 20 minute walk down a crowded section of sidewalk. Every. Freaking. Day. they said.-
Took a female friend–gorgeous, and like a little sister to me–to pick up her Miata from the shop, then followed her back to her place where a bunch of friends were getting together for pizza. On the way back, four douchebags pull alongside and start hassling her, making rude gestures and hollering vulgarities that I could hear clearly at a stoplight. They in Daddy’s newish Beemer 5, me in a beater Chevy truck. I ran them off the road into a muddy field.
The friend told me later that this happened to her daily. I was appalled. If I saw it happen to her daily, I’d be in jail.
Also, Jack Baruth makes more sense now, given Iron John allusions.-
Exactly. If half the boys in the world had to be girls for a day… they’d murder the other half of the boys for being such dickheads.
My wife is the more laid back driver of the two of us (but she still has a bit of a lead foot). As we live in NE New Jersey, home of incredible congestion and absent minded texters that happen to be operating vehicles without understanding the concept of using the roads together to achieve the goal of group locomotion, the amount of people doing shit like crossing over medians to try and get around the inevitable traffic is staggering. Nearly on a weekly basis my wife regales me of some small minded asshole who got infuriated that my wife did something like, you know, drive on a 1 lane road like it’s 1 lane, not let someone merge in front of her after they passed on the shoulder, honk when they’re about to run into her, or otherwise normal moves that any normal driver might do. Often the responses I hear involve gratuitous honking, cursing, screaming or otherwise trying to intimidate her. On the other hand, maybe a few times a year I’ll have someone get huffy with me for doing the exact same types things in the exact same places near us. I honestly didn’t really ever think it was because i look like i have a penis (for the record, I have one) and she doesn’t, but it does make a bit more sense now.
Farewell, FreeNinja, we hardly knew ye. Hah! I wish! I got to know way more about EX500s than I really wanted to. As a great man once said, “Sometimes Free Stuff Isn’t Worth It”, which implies that most of the time it is.
It was just about one year ago, minus a week or two, when FreeNinja arrived in my garage. In one year it consumed:
1 clutch cable
1 voltage regulator
1 oil change, w/filter
1 clutch lever
1 pair front brake pads
2 carb rebuild kits
1 valve adjustment, incl. cover gasket, dowel pin, seals for cover bolts
$500 registration (realistically, the $410 in fees for being out of date were the purchase price.)
$75 insurance
Just about a long weekend’s worth of puttering.
Hello, DirtBike Dual Sport Wheels!
On the day I sold FreeNinja I immediately invested the money in a left side engine case for DirtBike! Evidently you can only shove the shifter lever through the engine case three times before JB Weld will no longer solve your problems. I also found exactly what I intended to buy with FreeMoney, a pair of DRZ400 wheels with a pair of Dual Sport tires on them to use on the street. Hooray!-
If I sold you tomorrow
Would I still remember thee?
I must be traveling on now
And there’ ain’t many places you’ve taken me.
But if I stayed with you, Ninja,
Things just couldn’t be the same.
‘Cause I’m as free as a bird now,
And this bird likes DRZs
And this bird likes DRZs
This bird likes DRZs
Lord knows I can’t change.
Lord, I can’t change.
Won’t you fly high, Free Ninja!-
Awesome! The ‘free’ reference… your chops have not gone soft in these desolate times. (I seriously thought you caught the Golden Bumper, after those tales of close calls on the scoot.)
Here’s aLenny KayePatti Smith song. For you? Free.
Eeh, no Golden Bumper, thank God, though the close calls come heavy and scary. We moved last summer due to an unexpected and kind of awesome opportunity, so I spent three months working 40 at the job and another 40 cleaning up the old place where we’d spent ten years (I am my packrat father’s son), fixing up the new place (that’d been vacant for two years) and just generally not having any time or desire to look at a computer at the end of the day.
Sorta trying now to ease back into my old haunts without losing the new real-world habits. This place was always an good and accepting place to vent weirdness and I’ve decided I need that again. Though I’m not sure what I’m going to do without the Classic Caption outlet. What happened to that?
Anywho, watched the Myth Busters 928 episode with the kiddos a couple weeks ago, thought of you, amigo. Thanks for the song.
Neat, former HCOTY contender in the local paper! http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20160201/entlife/160209980/
http://www.dailyherald.com/storyimage/DA/20160201/entlife/160209980/EP/1/3/EP-160209980.jpg -
Looks like a suitably truck-like object for the certain micro-car enthusiast we have here.
Available at auction, currently 200 €, but they think it’s worth 5500- 7250. has dump mechanism for max 0,7 t, Spanish MOT and plates.
Concrete elements do not follow sale. Only for illustration.-
Well, that should make shipping a bit cheaper!
Now we’re talking letter prices instead of packages.
Turns out you can’t make a post Supra Toyota cool…
http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/news/a28078/scion-is-dead/ -
for sale on hemmings. no affiliation, etc…
http://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/yamaha/unspecified/1796312.html -
So, I’ve started to obsess over yet another obscure second hand car that will never be mine, this time a Lancia Gamma Coupé.
Very un-powerful and a little boxy, maybe, but I still think it’s elegant. American personal coupe meets European sports car, with the build quality of both and the status of neither. But look at the silvery silver paint, the wheels, the boot, the bonnet and the window frames and the price.
Why is it only 3000 euro? The ad says “ultimate condition”, only 75000-80000 kilometers, spare parts included and even air conditioning!-
A good Lancia Gamma Coupe is a rare thing. That one has been spoiled by a black paint rattle can but it may be sound underneath.
Be warned. If you drive it you’ll want to buy it as they have a sublime chassis with perfect steering and a turbine smooth very torquey flat four. These cars have a rare balance that eluded their competitors at the time (particularly the unbalanced half developed Alfa Romeos and BMWs of the time)
There are numerous reasons why these cars have their mechanical failings but they do have some that have been well reported. In the age of the internet there is a lot of online help and many original flaws will have been fixed, (or are easy to fix today with greater knowledge)
I must disclose that I own one of these vehicles and will never sell it.
Much good information can be found on http://www.gammaconsortium.com/
I wonder what Yvonne Craig thought of this frilly cycle at the time and then years later. In more general terms, how her views of sexism changed as she lived on through the decades. Circa 1966, Batgirl and Emma Peel were thought of as ground breakers and kickass tough (albeit still distinctly feminine). Individual persons and society have generally evolved in attitude over the years, some possibly too far and some obviously not far enough.
The catcalling and harassment described in some other posts clearly persists and is depressing, but we all understand that a certain percentage of the population will always be jerks (and that description’s being kind to them to avoid being too crude for the norm at this site). -
I don’t ever recall seeing the fringe and frills on Batgirl’s motorcycle. Of course, I was probably more focused on Batgirl herself rather than anything she was riding at the time.
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