Ummm, still warm from the oven.
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Image: GoAwayGarage
Last Call: LOAFA Edition
20 responses to “Last Call: LOAFA Edition”
The other day I saw a Jeep FJ-3 Fleetvan for the first time in real life. It was on a trailer, had a Coke machine in it for some reason, was missing a lot of stuff that appeared to be piled up inside or on the trailer, but it was def a Fleetvan. It had some lettering on it from San Jose, maybe a plumber? Hope it ends up as nice as this one…
you made this up – it was a 4wd dream. these do not exist – it was a dream fairey kind of deal,,whooosch
Of course I thought it was an IH Metro when I came up behind it (an unusually small Metro), but as I got next to it, there was no mistaking that geometric front glass arrangement, like some kind of gem or crystal.
Evidently this was popular on the internet last fall, but it just found its way to me.
Sometimes I just think delivery vans are the coolest thing on the road. Body on frame construction and an all aluminium body. I just want to drop one on its rockers, polish it to a mirror finish, and make it do burn outs.
A couple of interesting automotive things happened today. One, I discovered the 318ti has a brake pad wear warning light when it came on this morning. I can’t find any specific information on how much pad is actually left, but the light is pretty cool.
Two, saw a couple of those vehicles flat towing other vehicles. I assume they are auction buys headed out of state. In this case it was a Saturn Vue towing a Jeep Liberty and another Vue towing a Vue. Seems sketchy but I see them a few times a year.
The interesting thing was I later saw a full sized, new, cab over school bus flat towing another full sized, new, cab over school bus. That really seemed sketchy.-
A fair number of times I’ve seen Toyota PU on Toyota PU towing down I5 from WA or OR on their way south. One time I passed 3 pair of various years and configurations running together. On that same trip on the way back from CA about a week later I saw 2 pair coming south together. They tow bar set ups they run were a little scary and flat towing a vehicle that weighs the same is always sketchy.
At least some of those that deal in taking them south seem to have got a little more sophisticated. Last year I saw an old car carrier 3/4 full with Toyota PUs having another loaded in a vacant parking lot.-
“…flat towing a vehicle that weighs the same….”
Are you suggesting that any aspect of this setup looks even remotely sketchy? -
Like 20 years ago I sold my toyota pickup to someone who admitted they were taking it to Mexico to resell it. (from Minnesota)
The ex husband of my father in law’s neighbor is a house painter. His work truck was a 1958 Chevy panel van. It seemed like every time he spilled paint he would brush on some base color to cover it, so after many years there was quite some texture to the finish, but it got him to his jobs every day.
Of course I would only see the truck when he happened to be at his ex wife’s place when I was next door, and I never really had an opportunity to say, “nice crusty truck, dude” since he was usually inside whenever I was arriving or leaving.
I finally met him last summer. He was in a newer vehicle. I asked where the truck was. He told me he felt too old and got tired of using a clutch, so he sold it. He let it go pretty cheap, too. I wish I had known. -
never seent one up close , surly they can be that bad. I can fix it mens … of all the Brit junky cars- the best looking car ….not a Jeep
one day ….. the stupid WILL get me ,,, goursh – the stupidity – it is beautiful.
Mmmh, JPS lining…
so i’m fixing up my Miata and getting ready to sell it and buy a Fiesta ST….but suddenly today i became aware of how cheap 500 Abarths are.
significantly cheaper than the equivalent FiST. i’m going to have to add it to my list. i kind of prefer the Ferd, but no doubt i’ll be test-driving the one linked this weekend.
ugh it’s so hard buying a small car when there are so many good choices.-
What a change from, say, 10 years ago.
Personal gripe here (and probably a minority one as usual), but I hate the ‘patina’ look. That Bread Sled is beyond bitchin’ and has clearly had a LOT of work put into it. But to me, it’s just ruined with rust. It looks lazy, and I don’t care about the “only original once” claim if that “original” is trashed. What really grinds my gears, Peter Griffen style, is the faked rusty patina. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Seconded. But in a world of exuberant wealth, it seems like a strangely reasonable way to distinguish oneself. It’s the automobile equivalent of the extremely care intensive “I do not care”-look. -
I hate rusty “patina”, as in the whole rat rod scene, but I don’t mind surface wear.
And of course, I has to be earned.
ICON usually gets it right with their “Derelicts”.
Stupid wheels. But tolerable, so long as no other molestation has acurred.
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