No matter how bad of a Monday you might have had today, it likely wasn’t trying to hold vinyl siding in the back of a speeding pickup truck bad.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
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Last Call: How's Your Week Starting? Edition
It’s funny how you can be perfectly content with an engine one day, then get a good deal on a larger turbo (off a 6.5 gm turbo diesel) and next thing you know your building a low compression junk yard motor with a twin cam head and some parts out of a blown engine you had laying around.
All this when the current 2.0 with a mild turbo set up and 8v head works just fine. I guess that’s what hoarding parts for a few years and a few spare hours will do to you.-
Easy solution, get a G60 with the original G-Lader setup. You’ll reduce your contented time to mere hours.
Coincidentally, parts hoarding can also be fixed with a G60.-
I do still have some g60 parts. But my ABA turbo will easily compete with a G60 with bolt ons and it started every time I wanted it to this summer on cue. Once the aba-16v is done it should really work pretty well. Only big issues is my 30# injector tune…it’s not going to cut it any more.
Some of us remain content with our stock 2.slows. We’re the ones in your rear view mirror.
Nothing wrong with a 2.ohhh, Throw a cam in there and enjoy it. They get a bum rap but they aren’t a bad motor.
“Having trouble to follow this conversation”.
I thought vinyl tops were passe?
RIP, David Jones. -
The Acme Slingshot Vinyl Siding Installation System will work as advertised, but only if you point it at the house instead of the street.
We keep hearing about how everyone is driving a shorter distance each year. Various reasons are given (
Maybe all the articles are missing something really obvious: everyone has satellite navigation now.
The bulk of drivers are taking more efficient routes than ever before.
There’s probably no way to test this idea, but I do wonder how much gross mileage has been saved by the arrival of mathematically optimized route guidance.
(…even satnav is extraordinarily awful at times.)-
Excellent point! I have another bit of car driving statistics up my sleeves that was just published: Norwegians have reversed a decades old trend and are now driving slower instead of ever faster. Statistiscians think this might be due to demographically older drivers and generally more crowded roads. Maybe sat nav and having the attention divided is a factor, too?
85% of drivers stayed within the following speed in the following years:
50-sone: 2006: 58,7 km/t. 2014: 55,2 km/t
60-sone: 2006: 67,2 km/t. 2014: 64,6 km/t
70-sone: 2006: 77,1 km/t. 2014: 74 km/t
80-sone: 2006: 86,6 km/t. 2014: 84,7 km/t
100-sone: 2006: 109,3 km/t. 2014: 109,2 km/t
Up until 2006 actual speed driven was only increasing for every year that went. Road authorities want 85% of drivers to stay within the speed limit by 2024. Very interesting statistics, to my mind.-
Could that be because you are all driving electric cars now and are frightened of not getting home?
“Rekkeviddeangst” was one of the Norwegian words of the year – being afraid not to make it to your goal.
You won.
Perhaps, but my nav often sends me on a longer route to avoid a traffic delay situation. And every once in a while it will send me down a route that doesn’t actually go all the way through, causing me to backtrack.
Oh yeah, I know that problem! Ha ha.
I was going to illustrate my post with pictures of people who have followed their satnav into the sea or off bridges, but I just couldn’t find the right pic.
This happened in my city a few years back:
I was wondering recently if GPS could be used to calculate not only the shortest and quickest routes, but also the most fuel-efficient ones. Yeah, the vast majority of the time that would be either the shortest or quickest route, but what if that route went over a big hill that could be avoided by adding a short distance on the flat?
This was a police sanctioned bridge crossing in a local storm before new year’s eve:
Another driver going over the same bridge with an empty trailer lost the trailer – and his driver’s license.
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