Last Call: From One Project to the Next Edition

It always seems that no matter which of my cars I am presently under, there’s another one nearby, whispering my name.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: ©2016 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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16 responses to “Last Call: From One Project to the Next Edition”

  1. JayP Avatar

    Few things from the weekend…
    Fixed the fuel line on the truck. I think. Removed the bedliner, removed the 6 bolts, angled the bed away from the tank to get to the lines. Repair and replace. Fingers crossed it works.
    Other thing- drove a GT350 at the track at the HPDE. Only a few laps at less than 6/10ths. I wanted to thrash it but it wasn’t my student’s car to let me thrash. I didn’t want to get back into my Mustang… I did and it was good. I let my buddy pass in his S2000 and he never got too far from me. Perfect.

  2. Batshitbox Avatar

    I’ve gotten rid of Project RHD Scout and Project FreeNinja, but HoneyBunny has just boughten the house we live in (yay!) So no matter what I’m looking at while working on a project, it’s probably another project.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      Self-owned houses are a vivid source of new, large, projects by themselves. Hooray? Fixing and painting the wooden shack garage took me several full days I could have used to, say, learn welding…

      1. Sjalabais Avatar

        When a project car is a can of worms, a house is a container of worms. You will never “finish” it.

  3. salguod Avatar

    I manage a fleet of hoopties. Newest is 9, oldest is 20 (of the daily drivers, the T’bird is 56). Miles range from 160K to 245K. Yeah, one (or more) of them always needs something.

  4. I_Borgward Avatar

    I’ve found that when one of my herd gets more garage time and attention, the other two seem to become jealous. This usually is revealed in a series of small, annoying malfunctions: a bulb burns out, a fan belt starts to squeak, a new rattle rattles.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      When my girl friend visited from far away in 2005, the only three times that my ’77 Volvo 242 wouldn’t start occured. Self-healed by her departure.

      1. mzszsm Avatar

        Swedish girls are jealous, similar thing happened when my wife was a passenger the first time. Trying to get back home, wouldn’t start until the key snapped in the ignition. Turned-out it was cause of a leaky slave so the clutch was not disengaging. I had to drive home timing all stop lights and blowing by all stop signs.

  5. Alff Avatar

    The big auto news in KC – Scott Tucker had a bad day.

  6. Rover 1 Avatar
    Rover 1

    “It always seems that no matter which of my cars I am presently under, there’s another one nearby, whispering my name.”
    It seems much louder than a whisper in my case.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      Is the whisper changing with speed or rpm? Does it change under load/coasting?

  7. Citric Avatar

    I’d normally wait until today’s last call, but this is urgent. At an auction in Winnipeg ( ) there will be no-reserve bidding on a non-running Mercedes-Benz 600. Fixing this would take all the money in the world, of course, but it is unreserved. Is there a chance of a LeMons Grosser? Maybe!

    1. Car_Door Avatar

      Option 1: Turn into a coupe utility.
      Option 2: Turn into a coupe.
      Option 3: Make it into a resto-mod autocross beast.
      Option 4: Restore it and become an uber driver.

    2. Guest Avatar

      The rest of the auction looks interesting as well.

      Maybe get the 6ft suit of armor for a LeMons prop?

      1. Texlenin Avatar

        Tin Armour?? What about that table-top Space Invaders or the chrome pay-phone??
        Sir, I suggest you re-examine your life priorities. ;-]

        1. Guest Avatar

          Oh, that stuff is too nice for LeMons.

          Those belong in the living room!