Last Call: Down to the Challenge Edition

The Liberty Walk Dodge Challenger that debuted at the 2015 Tokyo Auto Salon looks like evil incarnate.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: MotoringExposure

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  1. Rover 1 Avatar
    Rover 1

    So… Is it fast or just stanced?

  2. karonetwentyc Avatar

    Not sure if Subaru is trolling its own customers with the latest Outback advert or not, but I do think that their ‘Love’ campaign has now officially jumped the shark.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      How awkward. Also: Yes, Subaru is the new Volvo.$_1.JPG

    2. Alff Avatar

      Great. My youngest recently informed me that her friends think she comes from a family of hippies. Taking the Subaru out of extended hiatus probably won’t help.

      1. karonetwentyc Avatar

        If it’s any consolation, my habits as a past-Subaru owner have largely been in what would not really be called lockstep with some of those shown in the advert. This has confused more than a couple of people on occasion.

  3. Batshitbox Avatar

    The regular Challenger always looked like Tigger from Winnie The Pooh to me. This looks like Tigger as a moody teenager in a black hoodie. Try as it might, everyone remembers what a goony looking kid it used to be.
    Then again, George W. Bush always looked like Tigger to me, too; so maybe it’s in the eye of the beholder.

    1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

      Whoah. He does look like Tigger.

  4. salguod Avatar

    Well, the world’s longest brake job (3 weeks and counting) on the 318ti is in the home stretch. The caliper and brake hose arrived today and have been installed. I tried my best to vacuum bleed the system with marginal success. Front worked well but the rears? Not so much. I think tomorrow I’ll give the 2 person bleed a shot instead.
    With any luck I’ll get it out of the garage so I can get the Tbird ready for Cars and Coffee on Saturday.

  5. Sjalabais Avatar

    “We’ve got a button called ‘power’ so we’ll definitely punch that a lot while going around the track”…not a fresh video, but fun.