Last Call: Ah Shoot, It Broke! Edition

This last-gen Shelby Mustang GT500 Shooting Brake is nothing more—or less— than just a really poor Photoshop job. Despite that, the good folks over at Motor Authority still wanted to have one. Why don’t we weigh in on why that’s not such a good idea.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Stand Craft by way of the Motor Authority

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  1. mve Avatar

    Call me a pedant, but giving a Mustang a big pack on its back makes it more of a draft horse, no? So do we call it the Ford Quarter Horse? The Ford Burro?

    1. tonyola Avatar

      In 1969, Ford actually made two prototypes of a Quarter Horse, which was a de-Shelbyized and cleaned-up GT500.

    2. njhoon Avatar

      I would think so. A distinctly American Draft horse according to Wiki is the American Cream Draft Horse. I think the name alone might disqualify it but the horse is rather attractive.–horse+%2810%29.jpg

    3. Alff Avatar


      1. mve Avatar

        Surprised it took that long.

  2. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

    I saw a Ford Tempo with antique plates this morning. That was different.

    1. Maymar Avatar

      The newest Ford Tempo is old enough to drink.

      1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

        This one would have had to have been an ’84-’86 to qualify for Alabama antique plates (30 years old, plus other requirements), but it looked like it had the body style of the second generation of Tempos.

  3. Rover 1 Avatar
    Rover 1

    That’s not the way to do a Ford powered shooting brake. David Ogle showed how two door sporting estates could be done properly forty something years ago with the Reliant Scimitar GTE.
    Perhaps it’s time for a restomod?

    1. outback_ute Avatar

      Here is another.
      I looked at a Gilbern Invader Mk3 coupe for sale years ago, but decided a fibreglass coupe needing full restoration (even though it drove well) was not the best option as my only car at the time.

      1. Rover 1 Avatar
        Rover 1

        Plus bonus. Is this the only Welsh car?

        1. outback_ute Avatar

          I can’t think of another

  4. Batshitbox Avatar

    Because No.

  5. Batshitbox Avatar

    Enough about cars… this working man’s got a touch of the blues. Thanks for everything, Mr. Haggard.

    1. JayP Avatar

      I found this album cover pics a few years ago. Hung onto it.

  6. Troggy Avatar

    Not a good idea? But… I like it.
    A flat-crank V8 2+2 GT with room for the family? As long as it has mounts for the baby seats, I’d have one.

    1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

      Fairmont with a Mustang front end?

  7. CraigSu Avatar

    As long as it has enough horsepower they could call it the Ford Mustang Pony Express Edition.

  8. neight428 Avatar

    I don’t hate it.

  9. dukeisduke Avatar

    I know this is late, but this was the Hemmings Find Of The Day yesterday:
    Three SBCs in a row, and the one in the middle doesn’t even drive the car – it’s used somehow as part of the cooling system. WTFery, indeed.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      It’s being sold as a “Ford Panther” but I can’t figure out what about it is Ford, other than the blue oval on the grille. Oh, I suppose all the “Panther” emblems, which are all from Jaguar products, might have a thin Ford connection.
      I love the rear hinged hood. Looks like a hungry crocodile when it’s opened. Stay classy, Florida!

      1. Sean McMillan Avatar
        Sean McMillan

        the roadster body from cowl back is 34 ford, or more likely a reproduction of such.

    2. Alff Avatar

      Don’t tell the owner he has tiny hands.