Well handling cars are often described as feeling as though they are driving on rails. That’s despite the fact that very few of us have ever experienced driving something that was actually on rails, outside of Disney’s Autopia that is. Of course that was not how it was supposed to go. When we were all kids most everyone – well, boys at least – wanted to be an engineer when they grew up. At least I did. That seemed to be as exotic and lauded an advocation as astronaut – or porn star – but far more obtainable.
Today I’m not an engineer, although I am proud to say that I can navigate Los Angeles’ resurgent light rail and subway system with the best of them. And when doing so I’d still like to be the guy sitting behind the lever as there’s just something cool about being an engineer. Driving a train underground does limit your sightseeing opportunities and vitamin D production, so perhaps that’s not the most aspirational of railman jobs out there.
There are however trains that travel above ground, and far faster than you can legally or safely travel on any highway. One of those might be fun to command, at least once in one’s life. Alternatively, the guy leaning out of the cab of an old fashion stem locomotive always seems to be having a good time, and since his job is driving the train instead of stoking its fire, there’s not a lot of backbreaking work to do. What about you, have you ever wanted to drive everywhere as if “on rails?” If so, what would be your top choice for train travel?
Image source: railway passion
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