Welcome to another Hooniverse Weekend Edition, and the first post will be a build thread suggested by CherokeeOwner (Thanks Man!) who thought this feature would make a great “Truck Thursday” or “Two-Wheel Tuesday” piece. Little did he know, it would make a great “Weekend Edition” piece.
This was found at the “Build-Threads” Site, and if you have a chance, go on over there and explore the interesting projects featured. About this particular build:
Just when I thought I’d seen every kind of build combination make it’s way into my inbox, along comes Ben and his one-off creation. I can confidently say “one-off” because I don’t think anyone else out there would be crazy enough to turn a Hayabusa into a reverse-trike, then mount a Suzuki Carry body on the front end, and set it off with 3 Porsche twists.
You can head over to this poat on Build-Threads by clicking here, and you can head over to the builders page (Ben Graves) which is a Picasa Web Album, by clicking here. Yes this post may be over a year old, but it is still cool nonetheless. Why not let us all know what the Hoons who read Hooniverse think about this particular build (as well as the Build-Threads Site).
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