Weekend Edition: A Pair of '56 Belairs: Original vs. Stock


Now this olelongrooffan has shared with my fellow Hoons that I love most everything automotive. My head turns on a regular basis on my travels around looking at pretty much everything I can see from my perch piloting my longerroof or my, new to me, xBox. Additionally, I have the opportunity to attend quite a few car shows and events around these here parts. Further, the bulk of my favorites on this latest laptop I daily drive are automotive related. autoextremist, Hemmings, The Old Motor, The View Through the Windshield, seeing some cool stuff with Jesse, and many, many more. I also enjoy hanging in the carport when the opportunity presents itself. It seems that on more than a few of them, one of the topics that arises is the term “original” versus the term “stock.” Now while I certainly do not consider myself an automotive expert, as I am sure most of my fellow Hoons will agree, this olelongrooffan certainly does have an opinion about the use of these two terms and their application to our automotive passion. And if my fellow Hoons are interested in some ramblings from this olelongrooffan on this subject, feel free to make the jump at your convenience.


A few weeks ago, I spent a couple hours on Florida’s Highway 9 and traveled up north to the Space Coast to catch the Beach Blast 19 car show. It is held on the grounds of a beachside hotel and one of my early posts here in the Hooniverse was about the Beach Blast 16 show. (Man I am sure glad I have quasi learned how to format images here in the Hooniverse.)

Anyway, while this olelongrooffan was wandering around, some pretty cool stuff was spotted. But it was the sighting of a trio of Tri-5 Chevrolets that really prompted me to thinking about this subject. The fact the first car I remember my maternal grandfather, Man, owning was a ’56 Belair kind of factored into my thoughts on this subject. As well as my Uncle Frank’s multitude of convertibles. And while Tri-5 Chevy’s don’t really trip my trigger, this bit of ramblings isn’t about Tri-5 but provenance in general.


As noted in one of the above images, this is Uncle Fritz’s 56 Belair purchased new in 1956 and maintained by him and now by his nephew Bill. It contains all of the original bits and pieces with the possible exception of some replacement parts to keep this old sweetie in proper running order. No frame off restoration here, just a highly maintained and loved vehicle by the caretakers of  it.


To this olelongrooffan, this is an original automobile. Even though it appears to have had seat belts installed at some point for safety reasons, this addition is acceptable.


Even the glass stop light viewer on the dashboard is a cool option on this classic old hard top sedan.


And that wood box in the immaculate trunk of this tri-5 is filled with receipts dating back to the day Fritz purchased this car. That is original and certainly has the correct provenance to be called original.


Parked next to Fritz’s sedan was another 56 Belair, this one a two door post. On the placard on the grille of this one it is decribed as having a “frame off” restoration and it was claimed to be in “original” condition. Now my fellow Hoons, that statement is what prompted this olelongrooffan to, again, consider “stock” versus”original.”

Even though this blue post has been restored to stock from the factory condition, in my mind, it is no longer original. To me, original is defined by Fritz’s sedan. No major rework has been done to it, it has just been maintained in its original condition.


While this post looks fantastic and I am confident its owner is justifiably proud to be its owner, this olelongrooffan much prefers Uncle Fritz’s version of original.

After all, they are only original once.


And this one? I walked right on by it.

Images Copyright Hooniverse 2012/longrooffan

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19 responses to “Weekend Edition: A Pair of '56 Belairs: Original vs. Stock”

  1. dukeisduke Avatar

    On Uncle Fritz's car I see an online fuse holder next to the wiper motor. That must be another modern addition. Also, do those traffic light viewers really work?

    1. joedunlap Avatar

      Traffic light viewer? Old as I am, I have never hear of these till now. Details please!

      1. longrooffan Avatar

        joe dunlap…I am told these are concave (or convex as the case may be) so as to allow this era of drivers to see the new (then) overhead traffic lights without bending over throught the windshield to see said lights. This feature has been mostly seen on GM vehicles of the era. I am not certain these were industry wide. I do remember Man's basic '56 post had one.

        1. busplunge Avatar

          LRF– Before Man had a 56, he bought Granny's yellow and white 53 BelAir fodor, and before that he had a 48 Chevrolet.
          Me, I loved that '48, especially with his sears reel lawn mower with a Briggs and Stratton motor hauled in the trunk, lid open and tied down out to the B's Nest where we cut the grass.
          I loved that car, the smell, the sound of the brake 'thumping' when Man would take his foot of it as he let the clutch out and ….
          memories… http://bus-plunge.blogspot.com/2008/08/newburg-mo
          <img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HXP2Z5GXFO8/SK-IT8IGNuI/AAAAAAAADfU/1KBVom-oWMU/s1600/longroofs+037.jpg>width="600&quot;

      2. dukeisduke Avatar

        I've seen some that were attached to or built in to outside metal sun visors.

    2. longrooffan Avatar

      dukeisduke…just noticed the inline fuse holder next to the wiper motor..I don't know of the origin of it but I would suspect it was necessary at some point. With reference to the traffic light viewer, see my response to joedunlap below.

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        I zoomed in on the picture, and it has "GUIDE" cast into the base, which means it was made by the AC-Guide Division. That would make it a factory or (more likely) dealer, installed accessory.

    3. Roger Avatar

      C'mon guys. Am I the only Old Fart who caught this ? That "FUSE HOLDER" is a block of porcelain holding the in line resistor to the ignition coil. GM later went to resistance wire for this purpose before HEI made any resistance no longer required or desired.

      1. Roger Avatar

        And the same part is in the same location on the blue Chevy……..

  2. scoudude Avatar

    The Blue one is a stock restoration while the red one is a mostly original one. It has at least had some underhood restoration done at one point because that engine paint would not look like that after all these years if it's been driven more than on and off a trailer.

  3. stigshift Avatar

    I'll take a 4 door hardtop anytime over a 2 door post. Fritz's car for me! And scoudude, I'm going to bet the old longrooffan knows a little more about this car than you do. So nice to see a rust-free original from Baltimore. Having grown up there, I have memories of what road salt did to cars up there…

    1. scoudude Avatar

      How does OLRF "know" more about this car than me? If you've ever been around one of these old 6cyls the paint on the intake and exhaust manifolds tell the story that this engine had been repainted. That exhaust manifold has been treated to the "cast blast" exhaust manifold paint or it would have patina , not looking like it just came out of the sand.

      1. stigshift Avatar

        Sorry, misread the article initially and thought it was longrooffan's family that owned the car. I stand corrected. But I'd still take that 6 cylinder 4DHT over the other two.

  4. salguod Avatar

    Funny, that black one is wearing the same wheels I have on my T'bird, only in a larger diameter. They're too large, in my view. Old cars ought to have more rubber than a rubber band.
    What I really want to know is did you take any shots of that red '57 Caddy ragtop behind the black Chevy?

    1. longrooffan Avatar

      Coming up soon. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

  5. Batshitbox Avatar

    Why are they called "Tri-5"? In all my years in the car nut world I only started hearing this recently and can't decipher it. It's Chevvies, it's mid-late '50s, what's all the fives about?

    1. hubba Avatar

      Tri-5 because it's a three-year design generation: 55, 56, 57.
      The 54 and 58 models are significantly different.

      1. Batshitbox Avatar

        Ah! Thanks! I was resisting the temptation to just look it up on wikidapikida.

  6. guest Avatar

    The View Through the Windshield is garbage.
    It's disappointing that you spend time on it.