Video (trailer): Finding The Best Bar in America on a 1960 BMW R60/2

the best bar in america

I like alcohol. No, this isn’t going to be that type of post (not yet anyway…)

I enjoy trying new beers and a new bar can bring about new friends. Where is “the best bar” is a question that would seemingly have hundreds or thousands of answers. In a new film, one man sets out to find the best bar, and he does so while straddling a 1960 BMW R60/2 equipped with a sidecar. His mission is to document bars across the American West, and I can’t say I’m not jealous at the premise of this film.

Replace the two-wheeled (OK, three-wheeled) BMW with a 2002, and I’d hop in to play the lead. Still, the bike adds a certain romanticism to this Hunter Esque-tale. The film comes out some times this spring, but there’s a trailer to pique your interest located after the break. Click down and check out The Best Bar in America.

[Source: YouTube via HellForLeather]

[youtube width=”720″ height=”405″][/youtube]

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10 responses to “Video (trailer): Finding The Best Bar in America on a 1960 BMW R60/2”

  1. wisc47 Avatar

    Truly brilliant looking film; makes me want to hop in my car and go around reviewing every bar in Wisconsin, which would be a much more time consuming task, if I'm honest.

    1. Corvette_Poncho Avatar

      I've done about 25% of the work for you already so we could team up and save some time. Of course, we might need to double check my work.

      1. wisc47 Avatar

        It's easy to forget, I understand.

  2. engineerd Avatar

    Next week I leave for a weekend trip across Michigan with some buddies. Our goal is to hit as many breweries as possible. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to this trip!

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      welp, I'm jealous.

      1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

        As am I, though I've got the Chappel And Wakes Colne winter beer festival this weekend, so my jealousy will recommence on Monday.

  3. Batshitbox Avatar

    Oh. I thought it was a documentary. I 'll give it a chance but Roadside Prophets set the motorcycle quest buddy-flick bar pretty high. (Higher than Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, anyway.)
    <img src=""&gt;
    Is this supposed to be more Bukowski meets Pirsig?

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      I spy a Beastie Boy?!

  4. ChuckyShamrok Avatar

    Thats a pretty customized bike. It has the wrong forks and light for a R60/2. From the factory it came with an Earles front end(Which are designed for sidecars, which makes the change odd) and a headlight that also housed the speedometer and key. Rear fender has also been bobbed.

  5. Jonathan Trott Avatar
    Jonathan Trott

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