1UP Bike Racks is Getting Kids on Bikes with Your Help

Over the course of the last few years, I’ve taken a deep dive into the world of mountain biking. To get my bike to some great trails, I often strap it to the back of a vehicle. I started with a spare tire-mount-based rack and graduated to a massive Thule multi-bike rack, but I’ve now slimmed down to an excellent 1Up setup for my Montero. It sits cleanly on the truck. I don’t need to put it on and off anytime I want to use it as it hides out of the way when not needed, and it supports the weight of my chubbo eMTB. 1Up makes great racks. They also work to support those around them, most recently with a new campaign to help get kids outside and riding bikes.

1Up is working with a group called Can’d Aid. This is a nonprofit that works to produce change for the better within local communities. One of their programs is called Treads + Trails. To date, Treads + Trails has helped facilitate the donation of over 11,000 bikes. Can’d Aid also helps fine-tune local trails, assemble bikes, and even have events where pros show off what’s possible on a bike. The children who benefit are high-need kids, and often, a bike from this program is the first bike they ever receive.

To help keep Treads + Trails rolling, 1Up is donating a portion of the proceeds from every product sold between June 27th and August 15th. Be it the basic Quick Rack on up to the mondo racks, including their new Super Duty Rack. So, if you were considering adding a new rack for your ride, now is the time to get one.

I’ve been nothing but impressed with my 1Up. I did a bit of research before buying it, and the general consensus is that 1Up is one of the best around for hauling bikes.

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