Video: Look here, see! You can't stop when you're in front of me, nyaaaah!


I know that not every cop is a bad cop, and I don’t have a negative attitude towards the police what so ever. When I got my mega speeding ticket a few years back, the police officer was exceedingly polite and even asked me about the car I was driving (“How’s it handle?!” “Great.. until I saw you…”). Additionally, my wife was stopped at a stop light in her Altima a few years back, and a police officer who wasn’t paying attention ran into the back of the Nissan. He immediately hopped out of his cruiser to make sure she was OK, and admitted his fault right away. He had been paying attention to another vehicle on the road, and bumped into her. The more seasoned officers arrived on scene…and promptly began making fun of the younger cop, which is how it should be really.

Now, the cop in the video posted after the break seems to handle himself a bit differently. While riding to work in Las Vegas, a motorcyclist was in stop and go traffic when he was tapped from behind… by a police cruiser. How did the officer react? Keep reading and see for yourself. Also, be sure to head over to Hell For Leather to read the rider’s account of the incident.

[Source: Hell for Leather]

[youtube width=”720″ height=”405″][/youtube]

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28 responses to “Video: Look here, see! You can't stop when you're in front of me, nyaaaah!”


    THE ONLY thing I can see being to the cops side of the argument is he did stop an awfully long way back. I see what he was doing, trying to let the Accord in, but once he saw that the Accord wasn't going to make a move, he should have gone ahead and moved forward. But that in no way excuses the cop for not paying attention. I 100% guarantee you the cop was daydreaming and assuming that everything was proceeding as normal ahead of him up to the light, and we all know what assume makes. So his handling and response to the situation is completely unjustified, and his un-righteous indignation makes me physically sick with rage. Here's hoping the rider will get an intelligent judge that will take one look at that footage and throw any suit brought against him right the hell out.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      Well said!

  2. BЯдΖǐL-ЯЄРΘЯΤЄЯ Avatar

    What an asshole. Is there more to say?

  3. K5ING Avatar

    Keep in mind that the rider was using a fish-eye lens on the camera. He wasn't as far behind the Accord as it looks like in the video.

  4. Vavon Avatar

    In this case that cop was just…
    <img src=""&gt;
    …being a dick!

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      I thought you were going to say an over-actor.

  5. POLAЯ Avatar

    Cop is a regular on Jacopnik.

    1. km8227359 Avatar

      Why does this have so many up-thumbs? I read both sites regularly, and have never hear any Jalopnik commenter say anything bad about Hooniverse. In fact, I found this website after it was recommended to me by several Jalopnik Commenters. WTF?

      1. dculberson Avatar

        Re-read Polar's comment. Hint: He does not say JaLopnik.

      2. Vavon Avatar

        We hardly ever speak of "redacted"…

      3. Alff Avatar

        We love Jalopnik COMMENTERS.

        1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
          mr. mzs zsm msz esq

          m/ I AM COMMENTATOR m/

      4. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick

        There's nothing bad to say about Hooniverse.

        1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
          mr. mzs zsm msz esq

          Right Honourable Hoonibbles ate my devil's horns, that's pretty bad right.

      5. POLAЯ Avatar

        Jalopnik is a fantastic website. And in its infancy, it was an incredible website created by a humble appearing Mike Spinelli. He and Davey G. Johnson created a cradle full of good vibes and humor with a emphasis on harmony amongst contributors much like here. However, when the economist took over, our humble little website became a numb, disconnected black hole of mediocre writing and Gawker strategies to pump up the J's popularity. And lately some of the people they actually let post comments there are disgusting and sadly, I feel it has contorted into place of sin and blasphemy, spitting in the face of what it once was. That's progress for you though, I guess.

        1. PotbellyJoe Avatar

          I still stand by my last comment on Jalopnik. I swear Denton has a bet going on how bad they can make the site for the commentariat before they all leave.
          Also, when they went to 5.NO I made a comment that they were merely building their system as conversation starters and counting on the commentariat to hand out free data and intelligence to build content. Mr. Wort replied with a decently snippy response that I was very wrong. I wonder if I would receive the same refutation now with Kinja…

      6. Tim Odell Avatar
        Tim Odell

        It's a valid point.
        Miscellaneous cheap shots like this are a fast-track to losing the moral high ground.

        1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
          mr. mzs zsm msz esq

          So is running a story about Chavez today. Yes I just checked and they did. You've been doing a great job keeping it all cars and everybody positive here, thanks.

  6. failboat Avatar

    We had an off duty local officer sideswipe one of our company work trucks in a parking lot. The officer was driving a squad car. Wasnt just a little scrape, the side of the bed and crew cab door were pushed in. She completely admitted fault…until the police chief showed up. Yeah…….we had to pay to fix our own truck. Never was quite sure if something shady was going on and they were covering for their own, or we just sucked it up and took a hit for the jurisdiction with which we have a lot of dealings with….

  7. Alff Avatar

    Perhaps it is illegal to be a considerate driver in Las Vegas.

    1. Wolfie Avatar

      Not just Vegas from what I see.

  8. POLAЯ Avatar

    One-one thousand
    Two-one thousand
    Unwritten rule of following at a safe distance. I barely counted to one-one thousand before bike stopped and was struck. You go right ahead and write those (Bull)shitload of tickets, Officer. Me personally, I hate doing large amount of frivolous paperwork. All bike boy needs to know is… Following. Too. Closely.

  9. rwdguy Avatar

    I would have asked for the cops license and insurance card and when he threatened me with tickets that's OK please give me as you said a shit load of them and I will see you in court

  10. JayP2112 Avatar

    The cop knew he was following too close and was bent trying to pass this off as the biker's fault.
    At least cooler heads prevailed and he let the biker go. I could see this not ending well for him.

  11. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
    mr. mzs zsm msz esq

    Yeah that cop has erectile dysfunction, bad case too. Kind of ironic him being a walking prick and all.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      Q: What happens when you give a cop Viagra?
      A: He gets taller.
      (Also works with lawyers.)

  12. tiberiusẅisë Avatar

    As a motorcyclist who has been bumped in traffic all I can say is congratulations to this rider for not going bat shit insane in the heat of the moment.