Last Call- Rebel Scum Edition


Duke, use the four-speed.

Image source: Worth1000

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20 responses to “Last Call- Rebel Scum Edition”

  1. Garland137 Avatar

    <img src="; width="600">
    I love Confederates.

  2. stigshift Avatar

    Why did I immediately envision Honey Boo Boo's mother as the captain?

    1. CherokeeOwner Avatar

      Funny, I was thinking of her as Chewie.

      1. stigshift Avatar

        That would just be typecasting…

        1. CherokeeOwner Avatar

          No, thinking of her as Jabba would be typecasting.

  3. vetteman61 Avatar

    Really, Rebel Scum? I'm sure that would blacklisted by the politically correct police if it referred to any other group of people on earth.

    1. Garland137 Avatar

      Where in the Empire is this "earth"?
      Our probe droids tell us that the Rebel Scum are currently on Hoth.

    2. Bobo Avatar

      Lol blacklisted

    3. Maymar Avatar

      Just tell yourself it's specifically referring to that obnoxious group of new country fans who're trying to take back the term Rebel and all of its icons, regardless of their family's heritage, or how far north of the Mason-Dixon line they're from.

      1. vetteman61 Avatar

        Now I can get behind that. I was just kind of joking (though I think there is some truth to it) but you really hit the nail on the head with that one.

    4. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      I find your lack of faith disturbing…

    5. dr zero Avatar
      dr zero

      Hooniverse: You won't find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. You must be cautious.
      <img src=""&gt;
      Here is a photo of the bloogers.
      <img src=""&gt;

  4. PotbellyJoe ★★★★☆ Avatar
    PotbellyJoe ★★★★☆

    <img src=""&gt;
    Sorry for the quality, It's 12:30 and I need to go to bed.

    1. sporty88au Avatar

      No, Sheriff Rosco shot first – and I'm surprised he didn't shoot himself in the foot.

  5. topdeadcentre Avatar

    I'm reminded of the bar scene in Hardware Wars…
    [youtube 0ymFxkFfIhU youtube]
    You'll laugh… You'll cry… You'll kiss three bucks goodbye!

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Hardware Wars! If YerTubes have done one wonderful thing for me it's making "Hardware Wars" and "Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind" readily available. Now I no longer have to go to Sci-Fi Cons. Whew!

  6. Alff Avatar

    That's no moonshine.

  7. LEROOOY Avatar

    The Hoth will rise again!

  8. jjd241 Avatar

    As long as you have a good co-pilot…
    <img src="; title="Hosted by" />