Last Call- Oil And Water Edition

haute rod

They say to each his own, and that one man’s pork chop is but another’s poison, so who am I to judge? Still the juxtaposition on this rat rod of a chopped canvas top and highboy stance seems oddly incongruous to me. At least it does have a proper flathead mill encased in its louvered hood. What do you think about its execution?

Image source: ©2013 Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved 

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21 responses to “Last Call- Oil And Water Edition”

  1. Kogashiwa Avatar

    It looks like it's jumping onto something.

  2. calzonegolem Avatar

    I dig it, but I'd lose the top altogether.

    1. $kaycog Avatar

      Me too. The top looks like an afterthought.

      1. drshimmies Avatar

        I don't know. I think the combo gives it a lot of energy, like one of those wind up toys that's been pulled back really far.

  3. wunno sev Avatar
    wunno sev

    i like the stance. looks like a primordial juke.

  4. Batshitbox Avatar

    I like it. The top totally changes the profile, you just can't get those convex curves out of a metal roof without looking like a joke. See the bubbly roundness of the car in the background, and it's curvy windshield border? This ragtop sets off the flat-top windscreen rather well. Also gives the whole thing a kind of Neanderthal feel.

  5. RahRahRecords Avatar

    That's a sweet looking jalopy. Looks like it just rolled off a dry lake bed circa 1948.

  6. JayP2112 Avatar


  7. bmurray390 Avatar

    I think it's badass as hell.

  8. Alff Avatar

    It doesn't look nearly as contrived as many rat rods but what I like most about it is that it appears to be a decent restoration candidate.

  9. AAA Ray Avatar
    AAA Ray

    Super cool! Looks like my uncle Manny's old rod from the mid 50's. I'd leave the top but have it tightened up.

  10. Garland137 Avatar

    Looks awesome.
    I'd never be able to drive it with the top up, but I think the look works.

  11. vwminispeedster Avatar

    Looks ready for pit duty at Bonneville.

  12. Tim Odell Avatar
    Tim Odell

    I miss Early Rodders…

  13. stigshift Avatar

    I would hoon that like nobody's business. It looks a little strange, but over the last few hours, I like it more and more.

  14. Modeleccentric Avatar

    Definitely works for me. That Textural juxtaposition is like Bacon stuffed pancakes served with strawberry preserves and a couple of over easy eggs on top…In both cases: NOM!

    1. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      Not sure what you mean, but now I'm hungry…

  15. sporty88au Avatar

    Looks like a great starting point – I'd stow the top in the trunk in dry weather and hoon it more-or-less as-is (I'd probably also lose the hood sides and inner fender panels – IMHO they never look right on a fenderless Model 40), until I was ready to start a proper rebuild or forced to by breaking something expensive.

  16. nutzforautos Avatar

    Total Bad Ass….

  17. desolit Avatar

    looks like its going to rain… keep the top

  18. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

    I liked the first Model T rat truck that I saw. The thing was chopped and slammed and was only 40 inches tall. Cool, thought I. Then suddenly I saw a hundred variations on the same theme. Find a rusty old hulk, chop it and slam it. By the time I'd seen ten they were boring.
    Hard to know if this guy truly did something different or if he's imitating something he saw. But it's the first I've seen with the fenders gone, with the hopped-up stance.
    For the moment, I love it.