Last Call- Big Blocks and Big Hair Edition

Greer Black Prudhomme

In the Bible, Eve was supposedly done in by a snake. You would think that would be a cautionary tale for future women, however here’s a 1962 picture of the Greer-Black-Prudhomme dragster with a bevy of scantily clad ladies and Don ‘The Snake’ Prudhomme around it, all probably admiring what a big block he has.

Image source: [twm1340 via Flickr]

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12 responses to “Last Call- Big Blocks and Big Hair Edition”

  1. Felis_Concolor Avatar

    How much more phallic can you – oh, nevermind.
    Interesting to see how the exhaust pipes on that dragster provide additional forward thrust, as opposed to modern funny car builds where the exhaust pressure is a critical component to stabilize the chassis and provide necessary downforce until the wings begin to work.

  2. $kaycog Avatar

    My goodness………..such perky ladies back then.

  3. JayP2112 Avatar

    Yea- I was born too late.

  4. Tomsk Avatar

    Great looking car, but it looked even better after it was repainted yellow.
    <img src="; width="500" />

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Obviously not necessary from the looks of it.

  5. Batshitbox Avatar

    Those slingshot dragsters, yeesh! It wasn't until nearly 1970 before some builders moved past the Neanderthal era and began to drive out front. Paleontologists are still divided as to whether the oil spattered draggers of yore were killed off by grenading transmissions and other accidents, or some nitro-methane induced respiratory disease that swept the species. There's evidence to suggest some interbreeding, though surviving fossils are incomplete, most noticeably missing parts of their feet.
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
      mr. mzs zsm msz esq

      <img src=""&gt; Some believe they are still among us!

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      The rear-engined dragster was a huge leap forward, as it both protected the driver from engines, clutches, and transmissions grenading, and the driver didn't have to look through so much tire smoke.

  6. PotbellyJoe Avatar

    Dude on the left has a wicked case of gynecomastia…

  7. synchromesh Avatar

    I wonder if that thing is faster than my WRX. 🙂

  8. dukeisduke Avatar

    The chick on the left with the cropped top was way ahead of her time.