We’ve all seen those flags the corner workers wave during sports car races. This is what they mean.
Image Copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan
We’ve all seen those flags the corner workers wave during sports car races. This is what they mean.
Image Copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan
And then there is this to describe how the car is reacting:
<img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51SewB5Y0iL._SX270_.jpg"width=500>
Love the Rolex 24 posts. Keep them coming.
As a long time flagger, all I can say is "I need that shirt!"
Thank you very much! Without you there is no way we could race!
The "faster car approaching" flag is listed in the official LeMons rules, too, but my ego is grateful that, in my case, they haven't yet bothered. Trust me, I already know.
I can say I need to do some shirt shopping!
Now I know why you like the Rolex24……..
where do they come up with this stuff??????
later, and March sounds interesting
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