Many of us have never really grown up, and in fact our cars and trucks are just playthings much like our childhood toys, just on a more grandiose scale. The thing of it is, many of you probably had some pretty cool car toys when you were growing up – ones with which you might just like to spend some quality time even as an adult.
When I was a kid, I had this sweet Tyco slot car set. I kept the box under my bed and would pull it out and set up a road course on my bedroom floor. The cars that came with the set – a Mustang road racer and a Stingray ‘Vette – shot off of the toy’s box lid in glorious color ink art. They also shot off the track and I spent hours searching out the tiny contact springs that inevitably would be knocked out of the car upon crashing into the wall on attempting an especially overeager corner. Still, I loved that slot car set, I just wish I knew what became of it.
What about you, did you have a particularly awesome automotive toy when you were a snot-nosed kid? Did you maintain a Hot Wheels empire? Or, perhaps you prowled the sidewalk in a pedal car that was just as shiny and cool as the real deal. What was your coolest car toy when you were a kid?
Image source: AustinWorks
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