Hooniverse Asks- Do You Care About Road & Track's New Look?


While there have always been pretenders to the three abreast throne, here in the States at least there have always been pretty much the big three of automotive rags – Car and Driver, Motor Trend, and Road & Track. I’ve always liked to categorize each of these magazines’ personalities by what I think their stereotypical readers might drink. For Car and Driver, it’s always been Budweiser. Out of a can. For Road & Track, I imagine it’s a full bodied Cab Franc, hoisted by a hand draped in a driver’s glove and past a chin that typically overhangs a cravat. Motor Trend readers drink. . . I don’t know,  Yoo-hoo.

Over the years the relevance of paper publications has been called into question, and staples like Newsweek have fallen by the wayside. Not wishing to end up in a similar vein, Road & Track has undergone a redesign, hoping a fresh look will stimulate fresh fans of the mag. But does that even matter anymore? In an era of electronic information consumption – and especially when a lightweight tablet can replace a magazine as a toilet time diversion – is a new suit on the old the paper edition really going to make a difference?

Now, truth be told, I love Road & Track, and have been a subscriber since I was eleven years old. Not only that but I have filled out my collection with the entirety  of the ’70s, ’60, and ’50s issues, and I’m coming for you ’40s R&Ts! I’m pretty sure however, that you, like me are more interested in the idea of the magazine than the actual rag itself. There’s something comforting, I think, in having that reliable ampersand arrive in the mail every month. Or is it? What do you think about the new Road & Track, is it something that rekindles, or keeps going, your car mag flame?   

Image source: Road & Track

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48 responses to “Hooniverse Asks- Do You Care About Road & Track's New Look?”

  1. muthalovin Avatar

    Why do you ask, Robert? Is management thinking about changing the look of Hooniverse? We all know how well that usually goes down.
    More to the point, I finally finished my first Car & Driver (mmm, canned bud) in a very long time. Most of the content I read is online, and by the time I get around to reading the rag, it is mostly all old hat. So, meh, the new look for R&T is fine, not that it matters to me.

    1. PotbellyJoe Avatar

      I hope they hand out stars to their best commenters… I seek validation.

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        There are other arbitrary ways to feel validated. A three-digit number, perhaps.

        1. POLAЯ Avatar

          He's headed in the right direction, all while keeping his keg-cellent figure!

        2. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
          Peter Tanshanomi

          It's not the validation, it's the free hors d'oeuvres.

      2. Irishzombieman ✰ Avatar
        Irishzombieman ✰

        Damn straight.

        1. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
          Scandinavian Flick ★


          1. Irishzombieman ✰ Avatar
            Irishzombieman ✰

            Damn it, why didn't I do this when Roy de-starred me?

          2. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
            Scandinavian Flick ★

            I always found it amusing when people added a star to the corner of their avatar.
            By the time Matt yanked mine, I was already gone.

  2. PotbellyJoe ★ Avatar
    PotbellyJoe ★

    When I was 9 I asked for magazine subscriptions for my birthday. The Big Three Automotive rags and Popular Mechanics. I kept these subscriptions for 20 years, when I dropped to just PM.
    Though I enjoyed the writing, i just couldn't justify $30+ a year for 4 month old information.
    Now I only get 3 magazines delivered and they are all more instructional/hobby in nature instead of the passion-based auto rags. I read blogs for that, honestly.
    Plus there is no community after the articles, which I love about blogs.
    No one likes to see the dinosaurs become extinct, but you can't say they haven't been adequately replaced…
    Also, Motor Trend readers drink what ever is colorful and trendy, but not necessarily the best flavor.

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      Autoweek and Hot Rod have changed formats to become more lifestyle, hobby mags. There is no way they can compete with the instant news of the internet. Hemming's and those $7 British mags have been that direction for years.
      I subscribed to Grassroots Motorsport after 25 years of borrowing and stealing old issues from pals. It is OK but it doesn't have the immediacy of a blog+forum. GM may have one but I've not bothered.

    2. POLAЯ Avatar

      I lick Motor Trend, and I'm okay.

    3. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Funny you should mention Popular Mechanics. I haven't read a copy of any of the three big auto mags in a long, long, time, but I still subscribe to PM. I enjoy it because it encompasses a nice variety of subjects that are all of moderate interest to me (aviation, manufacturing, IT, home repair), but that I don't necessarily have enough passion to dig into deeply elsewhere. Their automotive stuff is just icing.

  3. $kaycog Avatar

    I like certain issues of the old style. Seriously……..I like the new look. It's what's inside that counts.
    <img src="http://imgs.zinio.com/magimages/99358097/2011/416165920_370.jpg"width="500"/&gt;

    1. PotbellyJoe Avatar

      "It's what's inside that counts."
      That's what hot girls tell fat girls when they're crying over a boy.

      1. POLAЯ Avatar

        Here, after that comment your gonna need more of these ★★.

  4. JayP2112 Avatar

    The only reason I know RT/MT/CD are still around is for the $3/yr sub I got for the kid.

  5. Vavon Avatar

    No! I always prefer the classic look… 😉 <img src="http://pages.swcp.com/synth/crx/media/crxposter.jpg"&gt;

    1. POLAЯ Avatar

      <img src="http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc248/thecoolryan/MrTear.gif"&gt;

    2. cheapthrills Avatar

      Step 1. Remove Center caps
      Step 2. Congrats, now you've got race wheels!
      Also, the directional wheel on the street CRX is facing the wrong way. You'd think they'd have that right for their own promo literature.

    3. krazykarguy Avatar

      Like, like, like
      I had this same advert on the wall of my childhood bedroom. Awesome!

  6. Josh_Howard Avatar

    I certainly think it looks good. You guys should ask them to comment a bit about it. I'm sure they would explain. This is a nice step in the right direction for a niche magazine…. yes niche. Rarely do people make car decisions based upon the car mags. With the rise of the internet, you've gotta give people something different. That's why I come to Hooniverse. 🙂

  7. Alff Avatar

    I took R&T and AutoWeek (affectionately known around the house as "Dump Week" for the short amount of time required to read it cover to cover) for several years but the Internet and my unwillingness to buy new rendered them largely irrelevant. Now I get only one – Hemmings. Don't really need that one either, but the pumped up content section pleases me.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      I was a subscriber to Autoweek for a bunch of years until they went bi-weekly and didn't change their name to reflect this. It just wasn't the same that way. I already get monthly car magazines and it was nice to get that magazine weekly knowing the race information wasn't to out of date. Now its the same as every other magazine. So I dropped it.
      I favor Automobile above all of them though. Car and Driver loves to talk politics and be anti-establishment because they feel they have to be. I only have a C&D subscription because it was $8 for the year. I have a Motor Subscription because its free when I go to the Harrisburg Pennsylvania autoshow. Road and Track feels like dredged up internet news. Since I don't get this one delivered I tend to catch up at the doctors offices.

  8. Alcology Avatar

    Will the new look affect the availability of issues at my dentist? That's the true question.

  9. SSurfer321 Avatar

    I like the cover and it appears some interesting original content may be inside. I'll probably pick up a copy on the newsstand but don't foresee myself subscribing unless the original content (read: not car reviews) is truly remarkable.

      1. POLAЯ Avatar

        You mean the body spray?

  10. 1slowvw Avatar

    Many have pointed out here that while it is becoming increasingly hard for automotive magazines to stay current and be competitive in the news market. I do feel like many auto mags will become more niche, there will always be a market for brand centric enthusiasts who want a paper copy with nice write ups, pictures from shows, and fine examples of the cars they love. To me they provide something that even online brand specific forums don't.
    What really surprises me is the lack of good info and news coming out on the web about motorcycles. Yes I know this is a car blog, but it is Tuesday so I'm going to vent a little. I recently picked up a copy of a certain Canadian motorcycle magazine. I sat down to read an article and didn't leave the couch until I had read it cover to cover. Which I might ad took a few hours because there was a good bit of content. Recently after spending a few years away from bikes I had found myself surfing a couple moto focused websites again and found the writing poor, and the content lacking. I know it is likely only a matter of time before some really good motorcycle sites start putting the squeeze on bike magazines. That being said, it was a simply wonderful experience to sit down on a couch and read a bike review that wasn't the equivalent of "dude this gixxer is mad sick bro." It was great to hold a paper copy of something good in my hands and relax on a Sunday afternoon.

    1. simcain Avatar

      Agree 100%. Where are all the motorcycle websites? I've got: The Kneeslider, Hell for leather, Asphalt and Rubber, and ADV forum, all bookmarked. Any one know any other good links?

  11. dukeisduke Avatar

    I've had Zinio digital subscriptions of R&T and C/D for four years, and the print versions for 30 years before that, and I haven't even downloaded a digital copy in a couple of years.

  12. onrails Avatar

    R&T was the only one I had left, and that was purely for Peter Egan but even that wasn't enough to keep the subscription. I like the new look, and of the big car magazines they always had the most variety of content which is why it was the last to go. But I still won't re-up. Egan's writing can be gotten in books (just a few left and I'll have all of them) and my monthly trip to the barbershop.
    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lleikpu8hq1qz6f4bo1_500.jpg"&gt;

  13. Ate Up With Motor Avatar
    Ate Up With Motor

    I like the logo, but based on the cover and their little teaser video, the content doesn't grab me. I care very little about racing, I've seen enough pretty pictures of ubiquitous classics and new supercars to last me indefinitely, and while I'm not adverse to the occasional amusing stunt or well-written travelogue feature, it's very rarely going to be enough to make me want to buy the magazine. (A lot of times I don't read those pieces even if I do buy the issue.)
    What I'd like to see are detailed explanations of interesting technology, meaty reviews and incisive essays on what the latest industry developments might actually mean. If the magazine has a decent amount of that, then I might pick it up. Otherwise, I wish them well, but I don't think I'm their audience.

    1. Vairship Avatar

      There's already an excellent website about the interesting technology and industry developments of classic cars back in their day. I believe it's called Gobbled Up By Engine or something like that 😉

  14. Jay_Ramey Avatar

    I think it's been more than 7 years since I've bought a copy of any of these Big 3 you guys are referring to.
    As long as this redesign doesn't lead to what Motor Trend's redesign led to back in 2007, I'm all for it. Seems like a nice facelift, and these things are only meant to boost newsstand sales, which works for a few months till everyone gets used to it. I'll have to pick up a copy though (damn, did I just fall for this redesign thing? I think so)
    I have some minty issues of R&T from the 70s that have awesome adverts with epic mustaches, as well as adverts hawking new Lancias.
    Question: what do Automobile mag readers drink?

    1. HycoSpeed Avatar

      Tea. I hear it goes well with crumpets.

      1. fodder650 Avatar

        I'd say that's pretty accurate. I've been an Automobile subscriber since darned near issue 1.

    2. simcain Avatar

      Yeah, as a preteen in the early eighties, I spent hours leafing through my old man's R&T's, all 70's vintage, that he had placed in binders. Legit R&T binders, I guess one could buy such things back then. But I still remember the ads. Like spot the Camel Smoker, where the pic showed a bunch of geeks, and the camel man was always with the hottest girl. Would like to see screenshots of those ads again. Miss me some good cig ads.

  15. skitter Avatar

    To echo Mssrs. 1sloww and Ate Up With Motor, I dropped my subscriptions a few years back, about when I no longer read the big three for news. That was a combination of both the immediacy of the internet and a saturation of specifications and stock 'storylines'. But there's still nothing like sitting down, away from a screen, with a long thoughtful article. I think they're headed in the right direction. The last issue was particularly good, and I'm back on subscription as a show of good faith.

    1. Jay_Ramey Avatar

      Oh, NOW I remember why I don't read the big three. Every issue invariably has a red Mustang or a red Corvette or a red Camaro on the cover, and most of the letters to the editor go like this:
      "In your December issue the huge chart of numbers on page 34 stated that the Ford F-150 has 293 lb·ft of torque. In fact, the F-150 has 294 lb·ft of torque. I expected more accuracy from such an esteemed publication!"
      But R&T seems to be coming out of that era.

  16. BobWellington Avatar

    I forget what the section/feature was called, but I miss those stories about crazy incidents that people in Road and Track. For some reason they removed that section a while back. I used to be a subscriber for years, but stopped after I found out I didn't really feel like reading the magazines anymore. It takes a lot of time to go through a magazine, and I like to read it in one sitting.

  17. HycoSpeed Avatar

    I didn't see this anywhere but here, and the cover style looks great to me. I guess we'll see about the content, and if it makes a difference. I have been a cheap ass in recent years and subscribed to no magazines, so it'll have to be good to make me pay.

  18. MVEilenstein Avatar

    Slighty OT, but "the next Mario?" Seriously? Don't get me wrong; the kid is fast, but comparing him to Andretti isn't fair. To either of them.

  19. Devin Avatar

    I've been tempted to subscribe to Classic Automobile, since they tend to have really great pictures and even have styling clays and stuff. I haven't been able to justify it yet. I think that's kind of what you need to justify print – excellent pictures and content that isn't time sensitive (though Ate Up With Motor is generally more engaging to actually read, when we're talking about stories about the development of things).
    They've also got an excellent Facebook feed.

  20. pj134 Avatar

    The only reason I'd consider getting a Road&Track subscription is this man:
    Cover design doesn't matter.

  21. stigshift Avatar

    I do like the new logo. I've considered getting rid of R&T and C/D, and just keeping Automobile, but they're so cheap now I just keep them all. It's nice to take one with me to the beach or doctor's office. And I love reading Peter Egan every month. But man, I still miss David E., the world's first and best CARmudgeon.

  22. MG1960 Avatar

    I don't like some of the new features and the lack of some others. Subscriber for 40+ years, this will be the last one.