The album Lonerism by Tame Impala won Australian radio station Triple J’s J-award for 2012’s album of the year. That’s kind of ironic since the instrumental-heavy album sounds like a product of the Psychedelic Sixties.
This song, Mind Mischief, is a perfect example of that sound, and furthermore features a video that could easily fit in that era as well. Part of what makes it so is a cool old Citroën Deux Chevaux that a teacher and student use for a rendezvous, with animated results. In fact, I should warn you that the second half of this video is kind of NSFW due to all the cartoon booty. But if your boss is always quoting Fritz the Cat, then make the jump and let ‘er rip!
[youtube width=”720″ height=”504″][/youtube]
Source: YouTube
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