Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer. Last week we went looking for the best armored cars we could find. That of course included anything that would stop a bullet, but excluded everything that was slathered in ArmorAll. We’ll get to the top mobile panic room in a sec, but first let’s drop the top on some Bimmers. Once you get to Z there’s really nowhere else to go, is there? Perhaps that’s why BMW named their sporty two seaters Zs—Z1, Z3, 4, and 8. While realistically not the ultimate expression of the small sporty car, the series over the years has produced some fun and interesting rides. Let’s go out and find what you think are the best of those that are for sale right now. As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.
If you’ve seen the movie The World According to Garp then you no doubt recall the scene in which a private plane smashes into a house that Robin Williams’ Garp and his wife are considering buying, causing him to immediately offer to buy the house as it has been “pre-disastered.” The GMC armored bank truck found by OA5599 also looks to have already gone through some sort of gauntlet, expressing what look to be filled and primered bullet marks across its broad surface, as well as new window glass. That truck was claimed to have a huge Ford mill under its hood, but is presently not a moving target owing to the need of a new master cylinder. Of course of you want something safe that’s a little more stylin’ then the plated Lancia Thesis found by Joram, or bullet-shunning BMW located by Mothalovin might be more to your taste. I think everybody’s taste will approve of our winner however, which is a one of a kind armored Lancia Delta Integrale Evoluzione built by Carrozzeria Pavesi of Milan and once used by Pirelli. Found by jim, it’s so odd and safe that who wouldn’t want it? Thanks to you all for participating in our little game of search, and congrats to jim for the win.
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