Video: How to make the most of the all-wheel-drive system in a Lamborghini Gallardo

lamborghini wrc

Thanks to the rather intelligent folks at Audi, the Lamborghini Gallardo is a car that drives as wonderfully as it looks. Yes, I personally prefer the rear-wheel-drive variety, but the all-wheel-drive Gallardo is rather special as well. In fact, having all four wheels put power to the ground allows you to take this Lamborghini to new places. These places don’t even need real roads either, as one badass Bull owner recently showed us.

The video is called Lamborghini WRC – Stage One. I’ll set the stage for you… imagine a wet and gravely road that twists through a sun-blocking forest. Now imagine that the expected sounds of birds singing, bears mauling, and deers, uh, deering have all been replaced with the glorious sound of a V10.

… and that V10 is being hustled over the rivers and through the woods.

Check out the clip after the break.

[Source: YouTube via Jalopnik]

[youtube width=”720″ height=”405″][/youtube]

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17 responses to “Video: How to make the most of the all-wheel-drive system in a Lamborghini Gallardo”

  1. rustylink Avatar

    Yawn… rich guy, Lambo, dirt road, no seat belt…..zzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Seat belt on, it just matches his shirt.
      How is flogging a Lambo on a dirt road not exciting?

    2. bhtooefr Avatar

      To be fair, I do see a seatbelt at the beginning. Blends in with his shirt, but it's there.

    3. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      The first time that I watched this video, I thought he wasn't wearing a seat belt, as well. If you pause the video at 24 seconds, however,you'll see that he is, indeed, wearing a seat belt. It just happens to be the same color as his shirt. I have no ill will toward the guy. I don't have his money, but if I did, I'd like to think that I'd be doing the same damn thing. Rock on, wealthy hoon!
      edit: I see I'm late to the punch with the seat belt observation.

  2. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick

    I guess flogging the piss out of exotic cars off the beaten path is the new way of saying "I have more money than you, so suck it."

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Perhaps, but I think it's fun that folks are doing ridiculous things with ridiculous cars.

      1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick

        I used to as well… Am I getting burnt out on it?
        Maybe it will be different when I can watch it with sound…

        1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
          Scandinavian Flick

          <img src="; width="200">
          It's better with sound. I'll blame end-of-the-workday blues for my pessimistic attitude earlier.

          1. JayP2112 Avatar

            It sounds just like an Audi 5.

          2. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
            Scandinavian Flick

            I absolutely love the way the Audi V8s sound. A harmonious blend of throaty V8 growl with a touch of exotic howl. Throw on a $2500 exhaust… Pure bliss.

  3. racer139 Avatar

    I wonder if it costs more to replace an oil pan on a muddy lambo verses a clean streat driven one.

  4. dukeisduke Avatar

    I'd have been wearing a helmet. What happens when a moose crosses the road? Bad things, I guess.

    1. Kogashiwa Avatar

      Goes underneath. Only result is a cloud of dust vanishing into the distance and a surprised moose.

  5. dukeisduke Avatar

    I'd lift it like three inches, to make it go faster.

  6. BobWellington Avatar

    About time somebody uses it for what it was meant for…sheesh.

  7. needthatcar Avatar

    Dear rich douche,
    Buy a Subaru.

  8. MMcG Avatar

    Turning up at a motor show with the car that dirty would be cool also.
    Always felt that many of these exotica could have a 100hp motor and no-one would notice, they are driven so carefully.