The Cammed & Tubbed Podcast: Episode 77 – Renn Away

C&T 77

Cam, Brad, and Jason welcome John Cary to the podcast. He’s the guy that owns the blue Porsche you may remember from Jeff’s video on it (if not, go watch now). He also works for an RC car company, so he and Cam nerd out about that for a while.

This episode’s topics include: Some of the D’s, we mostly spend the whole time talking about Johns car, TOTALLY AWESOME RC stuff, and Rennsport Reunion V at Laguna Seca, which was the best thing ever in the history of the world. One of our readers actually submitted a question for us to answer, too, so we do that. Oh, and Brad got to meet Shin Yoshikawa, which was awesome, because he’s awesome.

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – Renn Away

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