Top of the World, Ma! Keating TKR Stakes Claim to World's Fastest Title
Eighteen hundred horsepower. Two hundred and sixty point one miles per hour. These are the numbers that are rocketing the Keating TKR supercar, potentially into the Guinness Book of World Records. That 260.1-mph top speed is based on a two-way run at El Mirage Dry Lake, and unofficially knocked the crown from the head of…
Last Call- Smokey Yunick Edition
Smokey Yunick was a legend among racing mechanics, and he took the art out of rule-bending to new heights. One of his greatest mysteries was that of his adiabatic engine. Originally conceived after slipping off the toilet and hitting his head back in the 50s, Smokey claimed the engine achieved unheard of levels of performance…
Even More Craigslist Egregiousness- The Project Z
Once again, we have come across a Craigslist ad that stretches the credulity of the term project. This $1500 Datsun 240Z has been stripped of both its dignity, and its engine, which has gone the way of Elvis apparently. Better described as a collection of Z parts, the ad claims that the interior is in…
Mystery Car Revealed- Veloce e Bello
And there it is. As you can see, had this entire shot been used, there would have been little mystery to today’s mystery car.
The Epitome of Anti-Hoon: EZ Rimz 4 Rent
There’s a guy I know, let’s call him Jim, who upon seeing the umpteenth strip mall in a row, more than 5 minutes of network TV, or a stretch Hummer limo full of homecoming royalty texting to each other from across its velveteen interior, is liable to shake his head and mutter about the “cultural…
What To Do With Extra Battery Acid
Let’s say you’ve got about two ounces of extra battery acid following the replacement of a motorcycle battery. Diluting the sulfuric acid it in water and disposing of it seems a waste. What legal thing do you do with bonus battery acid?
Hooniverse Asks- How Much Control Are You Willing to Give Up?
Wired has an article about autonomous cars on their site. It claims that traffic accidents cost the U.S. over $230 billion annually. A large part of that being health care costs due to the injuries sustained. Active safety measures, including airbags and ABS brakes are not paying the dividends in lower accident rates that they…
Mystery Car- Get the Scoop Edition
Alright learned hoons, it’s that time again. get ready to break out and dust off those big brains of yours. Here’s a crop of a car, and while there’s not much to see here, you don’t have to move along. Instead, set your brow to “knitted,” and ruminate on a couple of particular features in…
A Proper Writing Tool for a Proper Writing Tool
You may remember that Mad_Science received a lovely parting gift from AMG, in thanks for proving just how quick the car makes your wallet go from $446 to $0. The AMG pen has an all-business appearance to it. The dark carbon fiber blends wonderfully with the sleek black gloss and silver trim. The ink flows…
Serendipity Presents An Opportunity
They say fate waits for no man, and we here at Hooniverse believe the case is doubly so when talking of salvage automobiles. When a man buys a massive tow truck and a Bugatti Veyron wrecks within 48 hours, does it mean the Gods of opportunity are calling?
1965: When Men Were Men, And Japanese Pickups Had Real Hood Ornaments
The Pick-N-Pull in East Oakland is just a few miles from my place, so I headed right over when I got a couple of tips about this truck.
Last Call- Bliss
What better conveyance to a picnic in the countryside than a Fiat pickup truck with just enough cabin room for you and that special someone, and a bed big enough to carry all the accoutrements of your seduction.
400ci SBC-Powered TR6 Will Probably Kill You, But Totally Worth It
You know it’s bad when the seller includes “death trap” in their listing title on eBay. This TR6 is rocking a 400 smallblock, 2-speed Powerglide and not much else. The top is shot, the windshield is some kind of cruel joke (the original’s in a box) and…well, it’s all about as bad as you’d fear.…
Insane Hill Climb
[metacafe]http://www.metacafe.com/watch/334239/impossible_but_real/[/metacafe] They say that getting to the top is more about who you know than what you know, and if that’s true then this guy must know spiderman.
Czech Please! Hooneriffc Tatra 603 Promo Film
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpuweiODHw4[/youtube] As its name implies, the Iron Curtain didn’t let much stuff into Eastern Europe during the Cold War, and it didn’t let much out. Case in point: Most Czechoslovakians in 1956 knew nothing of Western luxury cars like the Cadillac Sixty Special or the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud, while most Westerners didn’t know anything about…
Top Gear Season 14 Debut Recap
Last night brought the return of a weekly injection of nirvana to hoon-hungry car nuts world-wide. Top Gear season 14 arrived not with a whimper, but the roar of 30-cylinder’s worth of exotic touring machinery blasting across Romania- home of James May’s beloved Dacia Sandero.