Do you think that any helicopter mom would allow her little snowflake to “ride dirty” on a pit bike? You see, modern parenting and all the various social services that strive to keep kids out of harm’s way are stifling our childrens’ innate and noble urges to hoon. The video after the jump makes it clear that some parents are immune to these anti-hooning messages.
Great Stunts by Kids on Motorbikes – The most amazing bloopers are here
We applaud these parents of pit-bike-stunters? How else are the Future Hoons of America going to sharpen their skills, if not by getting off their rapidly expanding asses and doing something inherently dangerous? Parents, I’m not asking you to dangle little Jimmy over a pit of hot and bothered wolverines … I’m just saying, how else will he make a name for himself (on Youtube) in this big old world of ours if he doesn’t take a chance?
Harken to the siren call of stupidly dangerous stunts, Young Hoon, and take an ill-conceived lunge at everlasting glory!!!
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