project binky start

Project Binky has just grown up and can finally “talk”

Bad Obsession Motorsport originally set out to build the mother of all Minis. Episode One showed up on YouTube back in 2013. Back then, I rented an apartment in Huntington Beach, CA with my wife and our dachshunds. Now, “fast” forward to Episode 36 and the BOM crew will attempt to fire this thing up. In the time between episodes, we’ve said goodbye to both dachshunds, had a child, moved, ran through a few project cars, and bought a house. Today, after dropping my daughter off for her first day of 1st grade, I sat down to watch something that has been eight years in the making.

What a journey… and it’s not over yet.

Congrats to the team at Bad Obsession Motorsport. This is a milestone moment in the build, and it’s only going to get better from here.

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