Last Call: This fan-made Tesla ad is seriously impressive

Tesla doesn’t really do advertising, they rely on word of mouth. Which honestly makes it even more impressive to see how big they’ve become doing just that. However, @BillyCrammer has just made one for Tesla anyways and it’s really good. You can tell that many of the clips are taken from Tesla directly, but the way he strings them all together is perfectly dynamic as if it were done in a professional studio. The only reason I saw this on my feed was because Elon himself liked it so he’s got to be doing something right, right? His Youtube channel where he does other trailers is still relatively small, but maybe this will be his big break.

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9 responses to “Last Call: This fan-made Tesla ad is seriously impressive”

    1. 0A5599 Avatar

      It’s that time of year, together with Nailhead day last Saturday, Elephant day Sunday, and Side Oiler day Monday. Today, of course, is Boss9 day.

      I’m looking forward to April 40.

  1. Batshitbox Avatar

    I’ll take any excuse to post the Truckla (The Truck the World Didn’t Know It Was Waiting For) commercial.

    Bonus, also a fan made Tesla.

    1. Zentropy Avatar

      I’ve thought-experimented with many sedan-to-truck conversions because I like the concept, but I thought the execution on this one was a little sloppy. It looks like a backyard hack job. That, and the girl who drives it might be the nicest person in the world, but in the video she comes off as annoyingly pretentious. I can’t click play and sit through another viewing.

      1. Batshitbox Avatar

        Her annoying, pretentious tone is just a lampoon of every truck ad announcer ever, spouting puns and non-sequiturs in a lowered, gravel tinged voice, as if her next words are gonna be “Ford Tough” or “Like a Rock” on “In The World”.
        That said, she is kind of annoying if you watch her other builds, but only as annoying as all the other famous-on-you-tube, lookit-what-I-made people younger than me are.

        1. Zentropy Avatar

          Regardless whether her intentions were satirical or genuine, it’s a video that’s difficult for me to stomach. I took a few minutes to sample her other videos, and you’re right– she’s just annoying in general. I’m pretty sure a Sam Elliott voice-over would completely sell me on the Truckla.

  2. Sjalabais Avatar

    It is professional in the sense that it looks, sounds and feels like any other car ad…which really doesn’t do Tesla justice. I haven’t had a TV since 2005 so all the ads I watch are voluntary – for that, I prefer humour or at least anything with a surprise in it. This one, unfortunately, is not memorable.

    While on the topic, I had to re-list Hooniverse for the automatic ad blocker in Opera on mobile. The ads were too plentyful, the one that blocks a third of the screen was difficult to click away, and, first and forekomst, the ads prevented Disqus from loading in 7/10 cases. Sorry, I tried. If you have Patreon, I’d rather do that.

    As an appeasement, here’s a Citroën light drowning on dry land:

  3. Sjalabais Avatar

    It is professional in the sense that it looks, sounds and feels like any other car ad…which really doesn’t do Tesla justice. I haven’t had a TV since 2005 so all the ads I watch are voluntary – for that, I prefer humour or at least anything with a surprise in it. This one, unfortunately, is not memorable.

    While on the topic, I had to re-list Hooniverse for the automatic ad blocker in Opera on mobile. The ads were too plentyful, the one that blocks a third of the screen was difficult to click away, and, first and forekomst, the ads prevented Disqus from loading in 7/10 cases. Sorry, I tried. If you have Patreon, I’d rather do that.

    As an appeasement, here’s a Citroën light drowning on dry land:

    1. Zentropy Avatar

      Good points, as usual.
      1. Video: Same impression here. It’s like perfectly toasted bread– great execution, but meh, it’s just toast.
      2. Ads: If we’re doing confessionals, I eventually caved on blocking ads, too. I swear, I tried to live with them. Sorry Jeff.
      3. Mobile aquarium: For some reason, the leaky headlamp amused me more than anything so far this week. Thanks for the laugh.