Last Call: The tank track Bentley you didn’t know you needed

So I showed you an off-road Silvia, but are you ready for the tank Bentley?! It was created by a group of Russian engineers that have rightfully named it “Ultratank.” If there was any nation that would think this is something that the world needs, it would have to be the Russians. I can picture exactly how it went. They’re all just having a good time drinking Vodka then someone just throws out the idea and boom, Ultratank. It doesn’t have any doors it looks like so you might be exposed to the elements a little. But at least if you ever get stuck in that pesky Moscow traffic you could probably just drive over everything in front of you.

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16 responses to “Last Call: The tank track Bentley you didn’t know you needed”

  1. Batshitbox Avatar

    I followed their build tread.

  2. Wayne Moyer Avatar
    Wayne Moyer

    It’s Rolls that’s built like a tank and Bentley that’s built for speed. Get it right Russia.

    1. crank_case Avatar

      Rolls are built like Tanks, Bentleys are built like trucks.

      1. Tiller188 Avatar

        The world’s fastest trucks (lorries), though!

        1. crank_case Avatar

          That’s Kamaz these days funnily enough.

  3. Batshitbox Avatar

    I followed their build tread.

  4. 0A5599 Avatar

    KGB must be involved. It’s fitted with a tracking device.

  5. Sjalabais Avatar

    These are the same guys that put a 600hp BMW V12 into a ZIL?

    1. Zentropy Avatar

      Full props on this build. Nothing like hooning a gravel-bed ZIL in a damp parking lot. Those normally have what… 7L V8s under the hood?

    2. Zentropy Avatar

      Full props on this build. Nothing like hooning a gravel-bed ZIL in a damp parking lot. Those normally have what… 7L V8s under the hood?

    3. Zentropy Avatar

      Full props on this build. Nothing like hooning a gravel-bed ZIL in a damp parking lot. Those normally have what… 7L V8s under the hood?

    4. Tiller188 Avatar

      The pail hanging off the back is icing on the cake (and a handy visual accelerometer). Mostly unrelated, I’m also quite tickled by the subtitles at the beginning of the video simply reading “*commercials*” as he does his channel background, shilling and intro.

  6. crank_case Avatar

    I still don’t know if I need it, but you know what the world needs? Humanitarian real-life Mad Max Interceptor. The “Ghost Camaro” was used by a former Danish special services soldier to deliver humanitarian aid during the Bosnian War in the 1990s

    1. neight428 Avatar

      They call him Angel Mullet.

  7. Batshitbox Avatar

    In Russia, track drive around car.