It’s hard to pin down the exact year in this picture—the newest car on the A&W Drive-In lot seems to be that ’59 Plymouth underneath “chili dogs”—but it seems to be the early sixties at the latest. That being the case, I’m pretty amazed at the condition of the Austin Healey 100 in front. That car couldn’t have been all that many years old when this was snapped, and it’s been converted into a real ratter with Von Dutch pin-striping, wacky whitewalls and something other than the big four under the open sky where the hood once lived. All in all, it’s pretty amazing. Now about those chili dogs…
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Imgur
Last Call: The Blue Beatnik Edition
I need to reread On The Road.
The movie sucked, but got to see that vampire chick’s boobs.
Overall- disturbing. Read the book.-
Bah. I tried re-reading OTR in my late 20s and couldn’t believe it was the same book I’d enjoyed when I was 15.
There’s other Kerouac worth reading as an adult, but On the Road ain’t it.
It’s gotta be old, since there’s no KFC attached.
Showing your age there Kiddo. 🙂
And my sarcasm, I hope!
I have fond memories of eating root beer floats out of a baseball helmet. I don’t think you can get that anymore.-
I have those same memories and appreciate that sarcasm as well.
Maybe not, but you can fill that batting helmet with Slurpee at 7-11 this coming weekend. Yay?
I’ve only had a Slurpee once. Felt like it was going to strip the enamel from my teeth.
Now showing mine.
I can’t even figure out what state they might be in. White plates with black numbers?
Kansas. Reverse-image search turns up the original in the Getty Images archives.
“Local teens hang out in the parking lot of an A&W drive-in restaurant, Hutchinson, Kansas, August 1959. This image was part of an article called ‘Kansas Squares vs. Coast Beats,’ which appeared in the September 21, 1959, issue of Life magazine.”
“Kansas Squares vs. Coast Beats” – wow, talk about using up the 50’s clichés in the 50’s…
Just wait until you read the article…
This is true gold for a sociologist! Pretty clear which preferences the writer has.
“We know beatniks aren’t good, but we thought they just dressed sloppy and talked funny. Now we know that they get married without licenses and things like that.”
They also pay an astronomical $75 a month in rent!
What? My search-by-image turned up nothin’. Are you a wizard?
Nah. Tineye (Firefox browser widget) did the trick, unlike that slacker Google.
Love the metal woodie longroof in the background.
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