Last Call: Happy Holidays Edition

This Australian VW Beetle based “Porrera” is an incomprehensible mashup of both extremes of the rear-engined air-cooled spectrum and a perfect close to an April Fool’s Day. Enjoy the weekend, Foons!
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Aussieveedubbers

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43 responses to “Last Call: Happy Holidays Edition”

  1. stigshift Avatar

    I like that. Then again, I’ve always wanted to build the reverse ’70s hotrod. A C3 Corvette body on Model T frame, wheels, and drivetrain. It would be simultaneously glorious and hideous.

      1. stigshift Avatar


          1. stigshift Avatar

            Z-ata… Why would anyone with the time and money to do that, do THAT?

      2. Batshitbox Avatar

        Ooo! Did they make those for Miatas, too?

        1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

          I scoured the internet for a few…minutes…looking to see if someone made a Corvette kit for Miatas, but all I came across were a few Miata pickups, a guy who dropped a SAAB 96 body onto a Miata, a guy who has a blog dedicated to stuff on his Miata (cleverly titled “Stuff on My Miata”), a guy who made his Miata look like a ’57 Corvette with paint, rims, and badges, and some neat Miata karts (like the Vette Kart Roadkill made, but Miatas instead).

  2. Fuhrman16 Avatar

    Drift van!

  3. Tanshanomi Avatar

    Yes! No! Yes!

  4. Guest Avatar

    As mentioned in the “Piles of Nostalgia-Shaped Rust” comments (, put an early 356 drivetrain in it, and then go to Porsche meets.

    1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
      dead_elvis, inc.

      The slammed dually truck chassis with (most of) a 911 shell that engineered mentioned in that thread would also be a fantastic way to piss off the purists.

      1. Guest Avatar

        Anyone else up for a convoy?

  5. Batshitbox Avatar

    Oh, that poor Beetle! I suppose worse things have happened.

    1. P161911 Avatar

      A weather proof Seven! I like it.

      1. Batshitbox Avatar

        Do you like it more than a difficult to park Beetle?

    2. Sjalabais Avatar

      So…does it have two engines?

      1. Batshitbox Avatar

        It’s actually packing a Buick 215 Aluminum V8

    3. JayP Avatar

      Edit – 30+ years ago I had a car mag with illustrations of what a 935 Beetle would look like. It was pretty strong… Imagine this with a chopped roof and 3-4″ sectioned from the middle.

    4. Rover 1 Avatar
      Rover 1

      And from Isdera, the makers of the Imperator and Commendatore…
      The Autobahn Kurier AK116i, with two W126 5.0 litre V8s, one for each axle and a piece of bodywork from somewhere else in Germany
      Who said Germans don’t have a Sense of humour?

    5. Van_Sarockin Avatar

      Early Esprit submarine prototype.

  6. tonyola Avatar

    So the Euro-market 914 was not the only official Volkswagen-Porsche.

    1. roguetoaster Avatar

      Let’s not forget the nine-four-four!

      1. wunno sev Avatar
        wunno sev

        i think that’s the nine-two-four you’re thinking of

        1. tonyola Avatar

          But the 924 and 944 were sold only under the Porsche name, unlike the 914.

          1. roguetoaster Avatar

            I suppose that’s technically true, although the 914 was badged VW-Porsche.

  7. Batshitbox Avatar

    When I see things like this my brain make Don Martin Sound Effects.
    Spa-Wangawangawang! Bleeroont! Fnoobledoop! Glerm.

  8. CruisinTime Avatar

    Remember friends and neighbors
    Do not drink and Drive…….

  9. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

    I, uh, kinda like the way that looks.

    1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
      dead_elvis, inc.

      Better looking than a New Beetle, fer shur.

  10. Van_Sarockin Avatar

    Neuebeetl Iz Beszt Beetl!

    1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
      dead_elvis, inc.
  11. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
    dead_elvis, inc.

    Another for Hooniverse Asks: What cars have a CLMSL instead of a CHMSL? I’d never noticed one until stuck behind this on my way home.

    1. Rover 1 Avatar
      Rover 1

      Those GM designers having a joke at the expense of the NHTSA.

      1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
        dead_elvis, inc.

        The entire dustbuster-design was a joke, no?

        1. Rover 1 Avatar
          Rover 1

          ‘Successfully’ * selling them in France against the Espace was another.
          *i.e.:selling any.

          1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
            dead_elvis, inc.

            Just another example of corporate cluelessness.

    2. Sjalabais Avatar

      When did you become incorporated?

      1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
        dead_elvis, inc.

        Some time in the last few weeks. It was in support of a joke elsewhere, but now I’ve got to deal with shareholders & it’s a whole thing. Probably better to dissolve the corporation, but the board members may feel otherwise.

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          Don’t forget to have an open and involving process. And cookies. Always cookies.

          1. dead_elvis, inc. Avatar
            dead_elvis, inc.

            I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but the proper presentation can be convincing.

  12. Alff Avatar
