Last Call- Don't Make Me Turn The Console Around! Edition

Some people let their kids take hand-held video games on trips – Nintendo DS, PSP, etc. But if you’re really trying for parent of the year, this 5-screen X-Box on wheels will definitely stack the odds in your favor.

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  1. SSurfer321 Avatar

    At least they used a POS truck as a base for that POS contraption.

  2. BGW Avatar

    Making the kids sit outside the vehicle has a certain appeal too.

  3. soo΄pәr-bādd75 Avatar

    Seriously, some people have way more money than brains. Our (United States) population is getting dumber by the day and the best thing we can do with our time and what little education we do have is being used to make video games more "kick ass". I feel so good about our future.

  4. ChuckyShamrok Avatar

    You'd rather people do what? Solve world peace in there free time? We Don't all have nice garages to work on cars, and working on a car when its 25 degrees out in half a foot of snow losses it's appeal mighty quick. I'm sure there are people out there who see cars as a waste of time, technology and harmful to the environment. To each his own.

  5. soo΄pәr-bādd75 Avatar

    Whoa there, man, chill. I play video games too, my problem is with people that make it their life. Tell me truthfully that you think our society today is actually getting smarter. I've seen people graduate from college, and not know how to use proper grammar or solve an easy math problem without a calculator. We're not getting better, the standards are getting weaker, and there's nothing being done about it! If you haven't seen the Mike Judge movie "Idiocracy", go rent it, and get ready to see the future of this country.

    1. ChuckyShamrok Avatar

      Sorry, I thought you with the "GET OFF MY LAWN YOU STUPID KIDS" party. But yes, I agree with you, I work with the public, and it amazes me how stupid people are, and how they don't even care about it. Take my boss for example. He doesn't know "too" from "to" and he doesn't care. How he is my boss amazes me. And that movie is wicked good, and sadly is a sign of our future

  6. Maymar Avatar

    For what it's worth, it's a concept from SEMA '09. It's a little over the top (probably a redundant statement, since it's from SEMA), but it's sort of a cool idea. There was one thing on it I liked.
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