Hooniverse Weekend Edition: Remember When BMWs Were Cool?

Remember when BMWs were cool and iconic, and were driven by enthusiasts instead of fashionistas? Well, here at Hooniverse Central, we received a couple of reminders of that mark, built a long, long time ago, on a continent far far away. We received this image of a Hella equipped, green BMW 2002 from Cody (Thanks Man!). In his own words:

Is this a particularly important submission? No, it is not. But did I find a very nice 2002 complete with Hellas behind a hair salon in a Cleveland suburb? Yes, I did. Sure, the additional lights are probably just there to assist the lousy sealed beams, but I’d like to think they’re telling of a secret dirt road destiny.

These next images were found at a particularly interesting site, the Bulgogi Brothers. Their taste in cars runs very similar to ours here at Hooniverse, and when they posted these images from VTEC Minis, this is what they had to say about them:

How perfect is this venerable pair? We’d be happy to call either one our own and call it a day, let alone both. Of course, the first thing we’d do is immediately replace the admittedly out-of-place wheels on the 02, but that’s neither here nor there.

Before I get any e-mail about the Mini not being a true BMW, you’re right. They are now owned by BMW, so I’m sticking to my guns, and still calling it cool as sh*t. Image Credits for the Black Mini and BMW: VTEC Minis Via Bulgogi Brothers. Green 2002 Image thanks to Cody

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