Hooniverse Asks: What Color Car or Truck Would You Never, Ever Own?

Do you remember what were the only three colors available on the NA Miata upon its introduction? That’s right, red, white, and blue. Thankfully the car looks awesome in all of those—well, not so much the white— and so everybody was happy.
Not all cars come in colors that are quite so universally appealing. I have an acquaintance who owns a 1979 Ferrari 308 GTS and while it’s a lovely car that he has maintained without fault, it’s also painted a bright metallic gold. Yeech.
I don’t know if I would turn down a Ferrari 308 because of the color, but there are plenty of other cars that I would only take in certain hues. Are you of a similar mind, and if so, what are the colors that you would unequivocally avoid like the plague?
Image: German Cars For Sale Blog

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  1. pj134 Avatar

    Were I to find myself at a point where purchasing something along the lines of this seemed like a good idea I think my brain would click and I’d go swimming in the ocean with my boots on.

    1. WinstonSmith84 Avatar

      In the US, that would be the perfect car for driving from DC to NYC in two and a half hours.

      1. pj134 Avatar

        I mean, I own a grey nf sonata so I get similar levels of attention.

        1. Lokki Avatar

          What? I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t notice you’d said something.

      2. Kiefmo Avatar

        With the V6, so your top end is higher (cannot confirm, limiter might cut I4 and V6 off at same speed) and you can recover more quickly from having to slow down due to traffic.

    2. Sjalabais Avatar

      Couple of years ago I would have agreed. When one of these was dumped into our laps by coincidence and star alignment I learned that driving a car that you don’t care about, hard, and that doesn’t really break, is a great way to save money for something truly desirable. And it doesn’t really hurt.
      …then I found out we saved so much money we could pay off the house. Oooh, fix this. Travel there. Maybe beigeness is an infection after all.

  2. CanAm-Chad Avatar

    90s GM teal. I don’t care if it was on a Beretta GTZ, I still couldn’t have it!

  3. P161911 Avatar

    I’ll take ANY color vehicle if it is free. Color can be fixed. http://www.toolup.com/product-images/Krylon-1602_1.jpg

    1. nanoop Avatar

      “Thank you for the offer, but I need a car right now, I can’t wait for 12 minutes.”

  4. CraigSu Avatar

    The Beige family for certain, although some Champagne-colored cars wear it well since it tends to be metallic (older gen Jag XJs come to mind). And Red. I owned an ’86 Integra in a Metallic Red and grew to hate it over the 11 years I owned the car. The color draws too much attention.
    Colors I like? I lean toward medium to dark Blues and Greens. Any BMW factory Blue will do but I especially like Jaguar’s Indigo Blue and Jaguar Racing Green (a metallic version of BRG).

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      In the mid-90s, red was actually the most sold colour in good old Germany. It went all downhill from there.

      1. CraigSu Avatar

        Clearly ze Germans are to blame for the silver streak syndrome that became prominent in the 90s and has lasted ever since.

  5. Tiberiuswise Avatar

    I’m partial to colors so I’d do my best to avoid white, gray or beige. I can’t say there’s a color I’d absolutely refuse though. I mean what if someone offered me an improbably clean/solid Metro, Beetle, or other oddity that I could drive ironically for a little while?
    Seriously, would you refuse a genuine Caymen GT?

    1. karonetwentyc Avatar

      This may end up being something of a shameful confession, but I have to admit that I always liked the shape given to the US-model 3-door Escort in that particular iteration, and preferred it to the European model at that time. It always struck me as what the Peugeot 309 could have looked like if Ghia had done the styling.
      That specific one really screams, “IT’S THE 1990s!” with its teal paint, matching teal highlights on the rims, slanted air vents on the cowl, kink in the lower inside corners of the headlamps, and wraparound rear spoiler, but as a shape I just always thought that it worked well.

      1. Tiberiuswise Avatar

        When these came out they were instantly one of the most popular cars at my office. Most were either caymen green or black. Maybe one red or white.

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      Wasn’t that called Calypso Green?

    3. MattC Avatar

      I am in agreement that there are too many colors in the spectrum that white would be my last choice. That said my beater truck is white. I bought it because of the low miles and decent repair history but despise the color

  6. GTXcellent Avatar

    I really, really dislike the silver to gray color (or lack of color) palette, but I don’t think I’d turn it down – but gold. Ohhhhhhh how I detest gold. To me, it instantly ‘cheapens’ whatever vehicle it’s on. It’s the vinyl floor tile of car colors. Yuck.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      To select gold on a new car is.. bold, at best. For an old car, it may actually underline the cheesiness of the original configuration. That golden Ferrari from 1979, or any C3 Corvette, on brown/orange-y leather? This is only inspiring: did the first owner have taste and picked gold tongue-in-cheek? Was the F-dealer like: “you can have a red 308 in 10 months, or that one right now.” Or was the first owner actually embracing it, and considered nylon shirts a handy and stylish invention?
      Btw., the car in my Dsqs-picture is “light bronze”, that’s totally not, like, golden, at all.

  7. tonyola Avatar

    Bright green just turns me off. I don’t need a Kermit-colored car.

    1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
      The Real Number_Six

      Thumbs up because Morning Piss Multipla is awesome. Totally would drive.

    2. CraigSu Avatar

      That actually seems like a reasonable color for a Multipla. Platypus Puce would also be appropriate (Puce is the French word for flea. The color is said to be the color of the bloodstains remaining on linen or bedsheets, even after being laundered, from a flea’s droppings or after a flea has been crushed.)

      1. kogashiwa Avatar

        The car itself is so unreasonable that every colour is most likely a reasonable colour for it.

  8. 0A5599 Avatar

    I’ve owned green, bronze, purple, red, white, black, tan, silver, blue, orange, tan, and primer. I guess that leaves yellow.

  9. theskitter Avatar

    Orange with American flag on the roof: After a while, I would think this was normal.
    Orange with Rainbow flag on the roof: I think this would wind up confusing everybody, myself included.
    Orange with Confederate flag on the roof: No. Ping me if I need to explain.

    1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      Context, friend. Regardless of what the confederate flag means on its own, when it is on the roof of an orange Charger, it doesn’t.
      I would never own a General Lee replica, but if I did, you can be damned sure it’d have the flag on the roof.

  10. hogymástnemondjak Avatar


      1. hogymástnemondjak Avatar

        never ever

    1. Tanshanomi Avatar

      I could do a pink Ducati.

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        My ex had a pink modded Hayabusa that did a gps-verified 195mph with my lanky ass onboard. No issue with pink here.

        1. Tanshanomi Avatar

          There was a short, very anomalous span of time when men were okay with pink. I remember it fondly…not the pink, specifically, but the era.

          1. pj134 Avatar

            I’ve been mulling over buying this for longer than I’d like to admit.

          2. Tanshanomi Avatar

            Somewhat related: about ten years ago I had a chance to buy one of these for $285. Kicking myself.

          3. pj134 Avatar

            I think the days of good gear deals are quickly dying unless you find a shop that doesn’t care what gear is going for as long as they make a little. There’s one place up the road from me that is awesome, all old gear, no bullshitting about condition and fair prices. I picked up a 68 univox u60a for $80 on Saturday.
            Obligatory: http://www.guitarbarn.com/

          4. Citric Avatar

            I regularly wear pink, it’ll be cool forever!

          5. Sjalabais Avatar

            In the 30s pink was a men’s colour.

        2. theskitter Avatar

          Currently bombing around Atlanta on a tiny pink Giant bicycle.

          1. kogashiwa Avatar

            “tiny pink Giant” really has a ring to it.

          2. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

            Good name for a band. Quite phallic, too.

          3. Vairship Avatar

            Or a good pornstar name!

    2. Krautwursten Avatar

      Yep, pink. There are roughly three car models in the world that can pull it off, and even then only because of cultural significance, and I’m sincerly interested in none of them even when they have flame spitting exhausts coming out of the hood.

  11. WinstonSmith84 Avatar

    I’m very partial to cars that are not purple.

  12. onrails Avatar

    I would love to own a black car. Was lucky enough to borrow a black Corvette C5 for our wedding way back when. Spent all day washing, vacuuming, polishing, waxing, etc. It looked glorious. Sexy. Sleek. Stunning. And then… I opened the garage door. And every dust speck within 1/4 mile went directly to the hood. There’s no avoiding it. Black is gorgeous when it’s perfect. But it shows every tiny little bit of anything even when you don’t drive it. And when you do, forget it!
    (not my picture, but one just like the one we had)

    1. JayP Avatar

      I had a black Bullitt – used the Mr Clean car was system to keep spots off it. But the rock chips on black looked horrible. I even resorted to black car wax… didn’t help cover the chips.

  13. CruisinTime Avatar

    Yellow,never ever had a yellow car Bad Luck!

    1. pj134 Avatar

      I would think they’re good luck. Sounds like you’ve never had an accident or a ticket in a yellow car to me.

      1. CruisinTime Avatar

        True Story.

  14. Tanshanomi Avatar

    I’m 53 and married to my BFF for 20 years. I need some PMY in my life like ein Loch im Kopf.

    1. pj134 Avatar

      My one friend has that exact car with better wheels. I’m with you in that I probably wouldn’t buy it but I can’t say I have anything against it really.

      1. Tanshanomi Avatar

        I was really just making a joke about the supposedly magnetic attributes of bright yellow cars.

  15. The Real Number_Six Avatar
    The Real Number_Six

    A dose of the clap is more desirable than a ’90s purple Mustang. I’m not saying I hate purple, I just find this combo particularly nauseating.

    1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

      Ooh, that’s a good one. Purples don’t bother me, but the purple used on the ’90s Mustang is just an awful hue of it.

    2. pj134 Avatar

      A little deeper or a little metallic and it probably would have worked.

      1. Citric Avatar

        I saw someone once who replicated that finish on a Windstar.

        1. Mark Marky Avatar
          Mark Marky

          All Fords had that paint option back then..

      2. Tanshanomi Avatar

        Could be lunch meat, could be peaches. The point is this: Just because it’s free, don’t mean it’s no good.

        1. Tiberiuswise Avatar

          You’re right, sugar.

  16. Car_Door Avatar

    I would seriously take any color. That being said, fake patina on cars and trucks kinda rubs me the wrong way. Up here in Wisconsin, its a thing of pride when your vehicle doesn’t have rust, so its crazy to me how someone would want their car to appear rusty.

    1. marmer Avatar

      Me too. Why celebrate what looks like neglect?

    2. karonetwentyc Avatar

      Understood, but there’s also desert rust – oxidation from where the car’s been baking in the sun for decades. It’s difficult to describe exactly how, but it’s quite different to wet / snow / mud rust – more like a thin layer on top of the metal, not quite eating into it the same way. That one’s always had a certain odd appeal to me.

  17. marmer Avatar

    I have a strong distaste for what my wife calls “road-colored.” That means champagne, silver, and all those flat grays that the Germans seem to like now. Too easy for inattentive drivers to miss on a quick glance. I tend to think that white is the best color for low-light visibility and heat reflectivity. I also don’t understand the appeal of black, which seems to be the worst for heat and visibility. But if the car was desirable enough, I could probably live with any color.

  18. karonetwentyc Avatar

    My personal rule of thumb: if the car is in a colour that appears to be related to a bodily function, secretion, or extraction in either normal or ill-health, find another one.
    Granted, I would probably buy an E-Type flat-floor roadster resplendent in turd brown with piss-yellow rims and a bile-green interior, if it were cheap (and solid) enough, but I also know that I’d be doing it with the intention of saving the car from someone else’s unfortunate taste over a period of time.

  19. kogashiwa Avatar

    ’70s green is the colour of misery and despair.

    1. kogashiwa Avatar

      Also: while black cars often look really good, I don’t think I’d have another one. It’s not the keeping it clean that’s the problem, it’s that all the little dings and scratches and so on that inevitably accumulate over time show up so, so badly.

      1. kogashiwa Avatar

        See, that’s a proper green. Would drive.

        1. pj134 Avatar

          I guess I felt like “70’s green” had a lot of collateral damage. I also figured anything in BRG from the 70’s would be cheating but Cadillac green might get a pass. Personally I’d give the Cadillac greens a pass too.

          1. kogashiwa Avatar

            Fair point and must be said that that’s my personal term for that awful non-colour as shown on that sad little Maverick (and a vast number of other transportation appliances from the ’70s. It was the Camry beige of the time), and most often badly oxidized to boot. Any green that doesn’t apologize for being green is good by me.

          2. pj134 Avatar

            I think you were unfortunately the second one to go after green and no one wanted to debate tonyola on it.

    2. Mr. Ollivander Avatar
      Mr. Ollivander

      On the Maverick and Pinto, it didn’t work. It looked fine on the 67 Shelby.

      1. Tiberiuswise Avatar

        Mustangness fixes a lot.

    3. Citric Avatar

      When I grew up my parents had a Olds 88 with ’70s green on a ’70s green interior. My mother described it as “puke green.” Eventually it was turned into this:

      1. Krautwursten Avatar

        I’d admit myself to a hospital immediately if my puke were green. That stuff ain’t normal.

        1. Citric Avatar

          Depends on what you were eating that day.

    4. Sjalabais Avatar

      It’s so beautiful! Really hard to discuss taste. 🙂

      1. kogashiwa Avatar

        It really is 🙂 and one’s life experience plays into it so much as well.
        de gustibus non est disputandum, 蓼食う虫も好き好き

      1. jim Avatar

  20. Citric Avatar

    As someone who has owned a light silver car – which was purchased for $20 – I don’t think I’d want to spend real money on a silver car. Outside of being boring, it also seems to make cars invisible to elderly people.

    1. Mark Marky Avatar
      Mark Marky

      I “had” a bright red (factory color) mint,restored 1968 Chrysler 300 2 door hardtop, red lots of factory chrome, was all waxed, shiny and a 30 year old was stopped at a stop sign, looked at me and then proceeded to smash right into me..So I don’t think a color or age has anything to do with it…
      Once a bad driver, always a bad driver !!
      I found another factory red 300 and used my parts of my smashed on to restore the other 68..and now I really watch every one … If they look at you, your gonna get hit ! Just as bad as not looking at you…

      1. Citric Avatar

        True, I’ve had more than one close call with someone who somehow couldn’t see my current bright red car. But I had more close calls when I was driving something silver, enough that I was pretty happy to switch to red.

  21. engineerd Avatar

    Sadly, I will probably never own a brown car. Not because I don’t find it desirable. In fact, I think there are some beautiful browns being featured on cars from Ford, Mercedes, BMW, and more. The problem is Mrs. engineerd™ has something against the glorious color of chocolate and my hair. One of these days I’m going to buy a car without her present just so I can get it in brown. And with a manual. Maybe something like this:
    So much sexiness.

    1. pj134 Avatar

      I hope for your sake you get to sneak buy that brown car with a manual. Until then…

      1. engineerd Avatar

        There is a GIF that perfectly sums up my feelings…

    2. Tiberiuswise Avatar

      Although at certain points in life it can be a challenge, I’m a firm believer in “This is my car and that is your car.”

  22. pj134 Avatar

    It’s difficult to see why in pictures, but in person there is something about Red Jewel Tintcoat that I find incredibly annoying.
    Especially because the far superior Merlot Red Metalic was available at the same time.

  23. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    I don’t live in Florida, and I can probably afford Metallic.

    1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

      Oh, unless Type-R.

      1. danleym Avatar

        Or Challenger. Those are allowed to be white.

          1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

            I’ve always thought I’d love an Exige in non-metallic Beige.

        1. engineerd Avatar

          You are correct. However, 007 never drove a JPS Esprit. Only Ayrton Senna.

      1. Lokki Avatar

        You’re supposed to include a CAR in the picture here….!

  24. Cool_Cadillac_Cat Avatar

    I will not likely own a second brown vehicle.
    This one traumatized me, though I had a 1980, and this is at least a year later because the front turn indicators are yellow, not white with yellow bulbs.
    I hated that truck to a degree I’ve not hated an inanimate object, since, and it’s been 30 years.

  25. Cool_Cadillac_Cat Avatar

    I see many a reference to gray/silver/white, or “road color”.
    See, the beauty in this color is it’s kind of invisible to LEOs and as a bonus, if you get a color close to the color of dirt in your locale, it never looks dirty, just not shiny.
    The champagne on my ’94 Grand Cherokee was a dead-ringer for Bailey, CO, dirt.

  26. salguod Avatar

    I like colors, most of ’em. When I bought my Mazda3 it was the last f the ’05s in central OH with a stick. There was no picture on when I called and no color listed. Looking at the Mazda3 color options, I secretly hoped for the metallic orange, but any of them sounded good – exceopt silver. I didn’t really want silver.
    It was silver.
    It still looked good, but how much better it would have been in orange, red or blue.

  27. Wm. B. Beefeater Avatar
    Wm. B. Beefeater

    Pink, mauve, purple. And that other 80s atrocity, teal.

  28. Douche_McGee Avatar

    For “just not liking the color” – Probably yellow. It’s just not a color I like. If I was forced to buy ay ellow car, it’d probably be a C6 Z06.
    For “it’s a pain in the ass to keep clean” – I will never own another black car again. They look great clean.

  29. Mark Marky Avatar
    Mark Marky

    Depends on the car and year of car…
    Gold may not look good on some cars, but good on others .. same with red etc…
    There is not a color I could pick out that I wouldn’t own on a car, it all depends what kind of car it is !!!