Hooniverse Asks- What are the Coolest Factory Flares?

Office Space

Extending the wheel arches of a car or truck is a common visual representation of the vehicles performance credentials. It’s also a sign of the disconnect between engineer and designer as the added width required for fat tires was obviously not telegraphed at the design’s outset.

Factory flares have also long been a prime element of any special bodywork package, usually completing the butchification of the car’s lower half in conjunction with rocker extensions and air dams. Some cars – the Mercedes 500E as example – even use their flares as sole indication that the car is one not to be messed with, being otherwise almost indistinguishable from its lessor brethren. Flares are just that iconic and important.

But which are the best? What factory flares do you think carry the most… flair, as they say? Do you like the Countach 5000’s odd angles wrapped around impossibly fat tires? Or, are you more of a 944 organic bulge aficionado? Whichever flare shoots off your flare, let us know.

Image source: Cinema De Novo

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65 responses to “Hooniverse Asks- What are the Coolest Factory Flares?”

    1. POLAЯ Avatar

      DUH wins hands down every time!
      As in every time I see one, I find my hands down my pants!

      1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
        Peter Tanshanomi

        I really didn't need to know that.

        1. POLAЯ Avatar

          Nobody around here appreciates it when I have to type with my nose.

          1. Vairship Avatar

            We're just glad you're using your nose and not some other appendage.

  1. SSurfer321 Avatar

    <img src="http://www.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/performancebmw-001_edited.jpg&quot;, width=500>

    1. boxdiin Avatar

      At the time these flares were called "overfenders" similar to Mercury Capri RS 5.0 & Mitsu Starion.
      Clumsy name for sure.

  2. Number_Six Avatar

    I'll take the secret Gandini masterwork, Maserati Shamal.
    <img src="http://www.productioncars.com/send_file.php/maserati_shamal_black_1989.jpg&quot; width=500>
    <img src="http://www.maserati-alfieri.co.uk/enthusiast42/jp-shamal-01a.jpg&quot; width=500>

  3. JayP2112 Avatar

    <img src="http://www.hemmings.com/story_image/227721-1000-0.jpg?rev=2&quot; width="450">
    Then they made a comeback…
    <img src="http://www.audicarshow.com/image/2009-audi-s6-avant-4.jpg&quot; width="450">
    VW's version:
    <img src="http://www.breezemotorsport.com/images/rallye1.jpg&quot; width="450">
    Bonus pic: Not factory but DAMN.
    <img src="http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2009/07/14.jpg&quot; width="450">

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Also filed under "Not factory but DAMN."
      <img src="http://www.genefeltonrestorations.com/pics/genes_rides/1975_chevy_monza.jpg"&gt;

      1. danleym Avatar

        And another. If you look closely, there's an AMC Spirit hiding under there somewhere.
        <img src="http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s209/96sport/25439025-IMG_0153_Hitzeman_NASAGL_Mid-Ohio_SU236AMCSpirit_Daugharth_Aug2010.jpg&quot; width=500>

        1. wisc47 Avatar

          Oh god, the whole thing is basically one big flare!

  4. LTDScott Avatar

    Funny that you mention the 500E flares. My co-worker is 22 or 23 but for some reason has an infatuation with '80s Benzes. A friend of his runs a European car junkyard and one day he showed me a photo that his friend had sent him on his cell phone. It was the front end of a W124 Mercedes, and you could just barely make out the flared fenders. He said his friend was asking if he would like to buy the car.
    I was like "Whoa, an E500! Those are bad ass!"
    "A what?"
    He had no idea what he was looking at. I gave him a quick lesson and he Googled more info about it, and instantly became excited. He ended up buying it for like $5K (it's a salvage title and a little ratty but it runs good) and it's now his daily driver. He let me take it out for a spin and it was a lot of fun. Not surprising that his rear tires never have tread.
    <img src="https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/858574_10200675847729455_1874427788_o.jpg&quot; width=650>
    As far as my favorite goes, I think it has to be the pocket flares on the TE27 Corolla. A little piece of badass on an otherwise unassuming car.
    <img src="http://www.nettekeyif.net/data/media/2/toyota_te27_corolla.jpg&quot; width=650>

    1. Maxichamp Avatar

      I was just looking at 500E's last night. There were three on the local Craigslist. Scary and puerile.

  5. HoondavanDude Avatar

    <DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto"><img src="http://www-static.weddingbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/24/flair.jpg"&gt;
    I've got your flare right here!

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      The local Blockbuster is closing and has a Going Outta Business Sale.
      Picked up 2 copies of Idiocracy.

    1. Syrax Avatar

      Subtle like a 33 Stradale 🙂

  6. longrooffan Avatar

    Oh I don't know, sometimes the simple ones are the best.
    <img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8370/8551979590_2aff53dbc3.jpg&quot; width="500" height="375" alt="2013 500 005">

  7. danleym Avatar

    AMC answer of the day:
    <img src="http://flipacars.com/pics/AMC/amc-javelin-amx-01.jpg&quot; width=500>
    Do we have separate categories for flares that are part of the fender and flares that are add-on fiberglass/plastic bits?
    <img src="http://wizbangblue.com/images/2009/04/1979%20amx.jpg&quot; width=500>

    1. SSurfer321 Avatar

      ERROR 404: Post Not Found.

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        Let's try a different hosting site.
        <img src="http://all-carz.com/data_images/gmc-syclone-typhoon/gmc-syclone-typhoon-08.jpg&quot; width=500>

  8. Vavon Avatar

    As the best (R5 Turbo) has already been taken, I will go for second best: 205 Turbo 16!
    <img src="http://images.forum-auto.com/mesimages/884923/img961.jpg&quot; width="670/">

    1. Cdubya Avatar

      Although these are 289s, the 427 Cobras are the hands down best flares ever!

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        The #19 car in front is a 1965 427. CSX 3010.

  9. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    This should be a part of the conversation.
    <img src="http://gearboxmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/13.jpg&quot; width="550">

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      That's a good one.

    2. DTMeister Avatar

      Darn, you beat me to it! I was just about to post this. By far the coolest factory flares ever.


    <img src="http://cdn.speedhunters.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/240Z-064_EO3q_0.jpg&quot; width="600">
    240ZG flares. The perfect flare for any Japanese car or truck made from ~1950 to about 2001. And a bunch of non-Japanese cars as well. Hell, ZG flares look good on damn near anything.

    1. CABEZAGRANDE Avatar

      More, because S30s are purty.
      <img src="http://www.classicdatsun.com/new/432flares-blue1.jpg&quot; width="600">
      <img src="http://www.autogush.com/images/datsun-240z-06.jpg&quot; width="600">
      <img src="http://www.rs-watanabe.co.jp/images/users_photo/jin-z2.jpg&quot; width="600">

      1. Cdubya Avatar

        Can you say "aftermarket"?

        1. CABEZAGRANDE Avatar

          Fairlady ZG: The Japan-only HS30-H Nissan Fairlady ZG was released in Japan in October 1971 to homologate the 240Z for Group 4 racing. Differences between the Fairlady ZG and an export market Datsun 240Z include an extended fiberglass ‘aero-dyna’ nose, wider over-fenders riveted to the body, a rear spoiler, acrylic glass headlight covers and fender-mounted rear-view mirrors. The Fairlady ZG was available in three colours: Grande Prix Red, Grande Prix White and Grande Prix Maroon. The "G" in Fairlady ZG stands for "Grande." Although the ZG was not sold in the USA and was never sold outside Japan, in order for it to be eligible for competition in the U.S., Nissan sold the nose kit as a dealer's option which is known as the "G-nose". With the nose added, these 240Zs are often referred to as 240ZGs, outside of Japan.
          So, low production homologation special, but factory none the less. But they are one of the most reproduced fenders in the known universe.

  11. themagicboltbox Avatar
  12. dukeisduke Avatar

    <img src="http://handofshand.com/images/toro0061.jpg"&gt;

    1. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      I want that as a painting on my wall (the E9 that is).

  13. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    Then of course, there's the "Wait, you're kidding, aren't you?" category…
    <img src="http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6168/6171038950_b1773af5e4.jpg"&gt;

    1. danleym Avatar

      That's just awful…

      1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
        Peter Tanshanomi

        I especially like the artful transition between the flairs and the opening for the slab-sided door.

        1. Wolfie Avatar

          You have to hope that looked better on the drawing board.

          1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
            Peter Tanshanomi

            Definitely one those, "Gosh, it seemed like a good idea at the time" kind of things.

    2. jeepjeff Avatar

      I was going to post the Renegade non-ironically. It's definitely silly, but I still like 'em.

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      It's the factory dually option.

      1. POLAЯ Avatar

        Is there such thing as a tripley!

    2. PotbellyJoe Avatar

      <img src="http://www.subarucolors.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/2011-Subaru-Impreza-Outback-Sport-3.jpg&quot; width=550>
      Artificial flares are not allowed in this discussion…

      1. danleym Avatar

        I dunno, I suppose a well done aftermarket set of flares can look better than certain poorly designed factory flares. But, as is the case with most other styling features, 99 times out of 100 the factory look will trump the aftermarket.

      2. Synchromesh Avatar

        There is nothing artificial about these:

  14. salguod Avatar

    Flares and stripes and louvers, oh my!
    <img src="http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/1/2985/4581/7462290004_large.jpg&quot; width=600>
    How about some Super Coupe with stripes, louvers and T-tops:
    <img src="http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p371/jeffb2/SuperCoupe/2SuperCoupes.jpg&quot; width=600>
    And of course some 2nd gen F-body flares (more stripes!):
    <img src="http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/camaro-gallery-1980z28.jpg"&gt;

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      If Jeepjeff can admit to liking the Jeep Renegade flairs non-ironically, I can admit to getting all warm and fuzzy every time I see a Volaré Super Coupe.

  15. Spring-heeled Jack Avatar
    Spring-heeled Jack

    I'm going to go very low-key here. The 67 Ford Fairlane and the 1998 Lexus GS

  16. sporty88au Avatar

    Holden LX Torana A9X
    <img src="http://www.carsguide.com.au/images/uploads/torannew_wide.jpg"&gt;

  17. Vairship Avatar

    Paging Dr Harrell: <img src="http://www.mgcars.org.uk/cambs.mgoc/images2/6r4.jpg&quot; width="500"> Metro 6R4
    Source: <a href="http://www.mgcars.org.uk/cambs.mgoc/fwd/metro.html” target=”_blank”>http://www.mgcars.org.uk/cambs.mgoc/fwd/metro.html