Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist

Welcome to our Wednesday dumpster dive that is known as Craigslist Crapshoot. Last week your assignment was four by four cars, and boy were there a lot of losers winners to be had. We’ll get to the winner-iest in a moment, but first this week’s task.

This week I want obscure cars – ones that shouldn’t be wherever they happen to presently reside. And for this week, we’re going to relax the rules a bit and accept cars that aren’t presently running or even necessarily road worthy. What I’m looking for are the Triumph 2000 sedans squirreled away in Bakersfield backyards – seriously, I’ve found just such cars – or the odd American tank laying fallow in a French field. Whatever it is, it needs to totally weird for wherever it has landed.

And as usual, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Follow any of  the following advice and you’re crap will be known far and wide.

  1. Easiest way to not get caught in the spam filters is to create an IntenseDebate account. If you do so and your posts aren’t appearing, let us know at and we can put you on the whitelist
  2. If you don’t want an IDC account, you can create a account and do the same thing.
  3. If you’re the Ted Kaczynski type and don’t want any kind of account, then try to place only a single link in a comment and just drop any outgoing link in via its raw URL and not as a text link
Craigslist Crapshoot doesn’t work if your candidates don’t get seen, so hopefully following one of these options will ensure that the floodgates of crap are fully open. And speaking of open, follow me through the jump to see last week’s open-top Craigslist Crapshoot winner.
Last week’s results fell into two major categories, factory 4x4s and cars that have been wedded to truck frames in the manner that a seven year old pretends Barbie is married to Mr. Potato Head. There were excellent nominees from both groups – as well as some diamonds in the rough – but when it came down to crusty brass tacks, ALff took home the win for finding the “Horse of Sorts” Pinto on a Bronco. While other melded marques were either awesome or awful, that car was just so darn sad for (A) being a Pinto, (B) being in Alaska, and (C) destroying a Bronco in its creation.
Well done, ALff!
77 Pinto 4X4 mod truck (20130303)
Source: Anchorage Craigslist

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151 responses to “Craigslist Crapshoot”

  1. Devin Avatar

    Man, I am so glad that this comes on Wednesdays, when I'm generally done what I actually have to do for the week and won't blow my deadlines due to this wonderful topic.
    Anyway, here's a Hillman in Saskatchewan. It's a maybe '57, and it has the ominous "ran when parked" statement attached.
    <img src="$T2eC16dHJHQE9nzEzsvOBRNTmU,r8g~~48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">

  2. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick

    How's a 1989 Maserati Biturbo Spyder Zagato Convertible (That's a mouthful… [TWSS]) for oddball? Kinda clean though…
    <img src="; width="500">
    According to Wikipedia; "Overall 3,076 were built over a ten-year period, setting a production record for Maserati Spyders."

    1. danleym Avatar

      Well, if it's a running Biturbo, it's an oddball just about anywhere…

    2. vwminispeedster Avatar

      My wife's cousin is selling that. I want it to come to Seconds Saturdays next month if it isn't already sold. Theres got to be someone nutty enough in our crowd to desparately want it.

      1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick

        You should encourage them to bring it for sure. I'd be interested to see it.
        I just noticed the link in my original comment is broken. Here's a working link:

      2. Maxichamp Avatar

        I echo SF's request. Bring it!

  3. Devin Avatar

    This Rabbit Convertible isn't that obscure, but it is pretty awful, so I'm posting it anyway. I like how "would make a great project car!" is code for "genuinely and seriously broken."
    <img src="$T2eC16FHJF8E9nnC6MRnBRNf83Z3Vg~~48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">
    Here you go

    1. I Think Not Avatar
      I Think Not

      That doesn't look too much worse than the one I drove to work this morning. It even looks like it [used to be] the same color as mine!
      Certainly seems like it has less body rot.

      1. Devin Avatar

        You say that, but it does appear to be made entirely out of rust repair, and I'm assuming you've got a windshield and mostly functioning engine.

      2. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        I read that as "less body roll" and wondered just how bad your suspension must be…

  4. engineerd Avatar

    <img src=""&gt;
    This is a 1968 Datsun (2000 Fairlady is my guess) that apparently is mid-project and the seller is moving. He put in new motor mounts for an SR20 conversion and gives you a website for what he was after.
    Please, don't let this go to the junkyard. This is Detroit. We won't be kind to Japanese steel here.
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  5. Devin Avatar

    Oh man, a '90 Skyline GT-R! He was getting 400 hp out of the engine he says! And then he bent all the valves. Now he's charging $12,700. He was charging more before.
    <img src="$T2eC16JHJGkE9no8gJOvBQY3fNP,Og%7E%7E48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">
    Surprise! It's broken.

    1. CABEZAGRANDE Avatar

      Looks to have some good parts on it and be in excellent shape (besides…. you know, the whole blown up engine thing). But $13k will buy a super clean R32 these days, fully functioning. This guy's off his rocker.

  6. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick

    Here's a neat little 1975 Fiat 128 sl coupe. It's a fairly clean looking car actually, and from the description, the owner sounds like a nice and honest person. Maybe not "crapshoot" worthy, but very interesting and worth sharing.
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. stigshift Avatar

      I never knew those ever came with federal safety bumpers. I'm dumbfounded. Thanks for the post!

  7. Devin Avatar

    I might be doing this wrong, but here's a Daihatsu Hijet snowplow.
    <img src="$T2eC16dHJGwE9n)yUsZOBRBd1s0pCg~~48_20.JPG">
    Checking my bank account to see if I have $6,500, becoming sad

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Maybe that's not a plow. Maybe its for pushing people out of the way.

      1. tom Avatar

        Looks like a Harbor Freight snow plow.

  8. danleym Avatar

    Here's another Hillman, but this just slightly modified…
    <img src=""&gt;
    Link: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      I've never seen a Hillman Husky with the stock drivetrain. Never. The last one I saw was at a local car show, and had a coat of orange paint and an AMC 2.5 – quite reasonable, especially compared with this one.

  9. danleym Avatar

    I'm confused- first, it is only listed as "classic car**************************************************", and then he says it is a factory built 1929 Ford kit car. What? So I'm calling it an oddball. Plus, it's in Branson, but listed in St. Louis- only about 5 hours away…
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. FrankTheCat Avatar

      It's a VW beetle kit car designed to look like an older Mercedes (can't remember the model off the top of my head.)

      1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick

        I'm looking at that and trying to imagine it sounding like a Beetle…
        …it's not going well…

        1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
          mr. mzs zsm msz esq

          ptptptpptptpcpptcpcpcccpcpcppcptcpcpcptcpccpptcpcpptcpcccpcpcpptcpcpc putt pcpcpddpcpcpdcpdptpccpptcp

      2. CABEZAGRANDE Avatar

        Yep, designed to look like the SSK roadster. Actually did a decent job of pulling off the look too, even if the performance is woeful.

  10. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick

    1953 Dodge M37 or M56 Military 4×4 Fire truck with the much dreaded case of Ran When Parked.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. krazykarguy Avatar

      Tires: round when parked. Now, not so much.

      1. jeepjeff Avatar

        Mmm. Bias Ply. (EDIT: Yeah, yeah, they could just be deflated…)

        1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
          Scandinavian Flick

          According to the ad, the technical term is "all rotten."

  11. erikgrad Avatar

    1976 Lancia Scorpion …in what appears to be very rural Virginia
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
      Scandinavian Flick

      That's funny, I just searched for Lancia as well. Your result looks more like a crapshoot car though. I just found this Fulvia Zagato with 6740 miles…
      <img src=""&gt;

  12. salguod Avatar

    1992 Diamante project car. Since when is a '92 Diamante a 'project'?
    <img src="; width=600>
    1979 ElCamino project surrounded by detrius:
    <img src="; width=600>
    Jeep TJ with the rare 'hover' kit:
    <img src="; width=600>
    '86 Camaro project or drag car. Looks someone dragged it out to the woods to die.
    <img src="; width=600>

    1. danleym Avatar

      Hey, that TJ must be really rare- it has the coveted "rear end delete" option, too!

      1. jeepjeff Avatar

        Isn't that the factory Ford 8.8 option? They won't actually sell you a Ford part, but at least you aren't subjected to the symphony of crickets generated by your CL ad for a Dana 35.

        1. danleym Avatar

          I just really got under my wife's Jeep for the first time a few days ago- for some reason I was thinking it had a 44 under there. Nope, Dana 35. And I had to open up the diff (because I'm an idiot and cross threaded a wheel stud, which required pulling the axle to replace…), and I was even more surprised to find it has an open diff.
          I'm used to not liking previous owners because they made hack repairs, but I think the guy who owned it before me and bought it new was an idiot because of how he spec'ed it. He bought it with a Dana 35, open diff, crappy gear ratio, and then the day after he bought it slapped on a 3 inch body lift and 33s. Now I'm considering a short arm lift (so I can ditch the body kit, which happens to make it jump out of 2nd and reverse), a Dana 44, and e lockers front and rear… dammit, I already have two vehicles I dump money into, I don't need a thrid!

          1. jeepjeff Avatar

            She's got the dreaded 3.07 gears, doesn't she? Ouch. How hard is she planning on wheeling it? Open/open is burlier than it gets credit for. I have yet to hit the limits on my diffs, and I take it wading in deep snow; I think I want lockers, but I definitely don't need them. A set of chains on the front wheels has gotten me out of every jam that my diffs couldn't.
            Admittedly, the normal suggestion is if you're going to regear and put any kind of locker in your diffs, save up and do it all at once, but at the same time, e-lockers are going to run over $2000 just for the kits. I'd put getting the body lift off and regearing as higher priorities. Also, if you decide to stay open/open, it may be cheaper to see if you can snag the axles out of an M/T 4-banger: [almost?] all of them have 4.11 gears (4.56 is probably better for 33", but 4.11 is still an improvement over the 3.07 gears). They'll definitely be a D30/D35 combo, though, so still the weaker D35 axle in back.
            Again, how hard does she want to flog it? And yeah, your PO checked all the wrong boxes at the dealership.
            (EDIT: And I'm only pointing out the half-measures in case the "done right" rig is mostly aspirational. If it isn't, and she wants to go bouncing off of rocks, half measures are probably more expensive over the long haul: in which case, the age old advice of do all the diff work at once holds.)

          2. danleym Avatar

            She would be very averse to body damage, so I doubt there would be a real need for lockers because we won't get into stuff that crazy. More realistically I'd end up tossing a 44 out back, regearing (don't know what to- 3.73 at least, probably 4.11? it's mostly a dd, don't want to kill economy by going to high but now it's killing economy by being too low), and putting true tracs in both. With that set up, I don't think she'd ever have any issues, and I could do both true tracs for the price of one locker. I can at least set up my own diffs since I did the one on my K5 a few weeks ago and now feel comfortable with it (and bought all the tools for it), so that saves some cash, too.
            My more immediate concern before wheeling is ditching that body lift though. 3" pucks and off road driving make me nervous. I'm thinking about just doing a 2" spring lift and switching to a 1" body lift to keep the 3" total- I'm nervous about the effects of much more than that of a suspension lift while keeping the stock links.

    2. stigshift Avatar

      Wow, Jaguar AND Infiniti And asstrays. I am so fucking sold.

      1. salguod Avatar

        I didn't even see any of that, LOL.

    3. SP_ Avatar

      heh! dog urinating in coolbox 🙂

      1. salguod Avatar

        Didn't see that either!

  13. racer139 Avatar

    <img src="http:/×4-8-Passenger-Van-Rare-Fina4117599ncing-Available-WOQQAdIdZ411759985" width="600">
    hopr this works as it is quite rare to.see one of these here.

      1. racer139 Avatar

        Thanks blackice I meant to get back to the hooniverse and try it again but got busy. the kei trucks are a dime a dozen here as the import age is 15 years old. hijets are also seen relativly often but I believe this is the first one of these I have seen imported. Thanks again.

        1. BlackIce_GTS Avatar

          Yup, kei trucks and Delicas all over. This is sort of unusual though:
          <img src=""&gt;
          The revival of the British invasion of Japan comes to Canada, Figaro.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Ok now I need to look this one up. Was it based on the Mini Moke?

    1. erikgrad Avatar

      The linky is broken, has some extra characters on the end…but I tracked down the listing just the same:
      "i aint going to scrap it" AND "I dont know a hole lot about these cars"
      …that is poetry.

  14. danleym Avatar

    Dumb me, I searched for Fiat, came up with 150 results, and was like holy crap! what's with all the Fiats in St. Louis. Then I remembered that they sell new ones here now. Anyway, what the hell is an engine immobilizer? Because it is so prominent that they titled the ad as "Engine immobilizer — 2012 FIAT 500 – $15291" and then list "engine immobilizer" as one of the options. Last I checked those are called motor mounts, and they're a pretty standard piece of equipment. Am I missing something?

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      It may be something like the Unipart item I gave Judge Phil as a bribe at last year's Pacific Northworst race:
      <img src="; width="450">
      The Most Redundant British Car Part Ever.

  15. muthalovin Avatar

    VERY RARE, guys. VERY RARE. (why are all the shots sideways, except the interior shot, which, BTW, you have gotta see)
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. erikgrad Avatar

      Half expected the ad to say "Vehicle currently has 1 HP"

    2. I Think Not Avatar
      I Think Not

      Ahh, the rare and elusive Chevrolet Fiero.
      Only one made, and now he's destroyed it!

    3. JayP2112 Avatar

      Poor man's Giugiaro Parkour X-GT.

    4. P161911 Avatar

      With a lot of hard work and some paint, you could have something like this:
      <img src=""width=500&gt;

  16. muthalovin Avatar

    You know what's rare? Halfway decent MR2 Ferrari kit cars.
    <img src=""&gt;
    I seriously love looking at the proportions of kit cars. It is like a funhouse mirror.
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      Wouldn't take much to make this insane.

  17. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick
    1. acarr260 Avatar

      Those scallops are groovy, man!

  18. muthalovin Avatar

    Okay, this is… well, I just love this. So much I may try to scrounge up the cash.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  19. danleym Avatar

    The very existence of any of these is pretty odd, considering it was the result of mid 70s Detroit partnering with England to build a high performance DOHC 4 cylinder. Yeah, so here you go, Cosworth Vega:
    <img src=""&gt;
    $3500 and it could be sitting in your driveway tomorrow.
    Link: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      $3500 is cheap for a Cosworth, assuming it's in good shape. What's very weird are the center vents in the dash – it should have a cubby there. Vegas without a/c don't have center vents, just a blank space with "VEGA" molded in it, and Cosworths have a cubby.

      1. danleym Avatar

        I thought it looked cheap, but I don't really know the market for one. Makes it more liekly that it's a clone he's trying to pass off, and selling cheap so the buyer doesn't do too much looking into it? I'd be checking the VIN with a car like that anyway.

        1. dukeisduke Avatar

          It's got the right engine, still with the fuel injection (many got converted to twin Webers), so it's probably the real deal.

    2. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      Damned priorities keeping me from buying random crap posted on the crapshoot. I really want a Cosworth Vega. There was a decent looking one near me for about this price, listed as having “soft floor pans”, that I was seriously contemplating. The new reproduction decals tell me that this one has likely seen a recent respray, so I’d want to check the quality of work. I’d be all over this, if it were close enough to me to check it out, but I’m not going to buy it sight unseen (or just based on a few photos).

      1. danleym Avatar

        I hate priorities. I came pretty close to buying a not running but super cheap and otherwise in good shape 944 (that I found while looking for crapshoot cars) about a month ago. I've wanted one for a while. I've looked for them on and off for the last 6 or 7 years, but I already have two cars and have too many other things competing for my time. Someday I'll pull the trigger on one.
        And it will probably be because of the crapshoot. I'm pretty sure this is a government conspiracy to stimulate the economy by getting all of us to buy beat up old cars no one else is likely to buy, and then spend a ton of money on them trying to get them into decent shape.

  20. Devin Avatar

    A Fiat X1/9 that has been parked for seven years? What could possibly go wrong?
    <img src="$(KGrHqF,!iEFBOhBcDquBQe17uYs6Q~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    This can't end well

    1. FrankTheCat Avatar

      Nothing, if the front subframe (complete with that delicious V6) from a 164 ended up in its rear end.

  21. vetteman61 Avatar

    I guess the North Pole's singular Pimp is trading in his old ride:
    <img src="; width="600">

    1. muthalovin Avatar

      New Christmas song: Santa was a Pimp, Mrs. Clause a Ho.

    1. BlackIce_GTS Avatar

      I hear Henry Ford was a bit of a
      [youtube WhwbxEfy7fg youtube]

  22. danleym Avatar

    He's selling the kit car Countach AND the molds so you can make more of them! No word on if the child is available.
    <img src=""&gt;
    Link: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      The kid's thinking, "Please buy this, so my mom and dad don't get divorced."

  23. Devin Avatar

    And now, a selection of inexplicable RHD models, because you can buy all of them in LHD in Canada easily.
    Toyota Previa:
    <img src="$T2eC16F,!ysE9sy0gGI4BRN(QChiNw~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    Honda Civic
    <img src="$(KGrHqV,!hEFEWh9dZjwBRGeOrO1oQ~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    Base model Nissan 300ZX
    <img src="$T2eC16VHJHEE9ny2rTUnBRHDd0H)6!~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    Automatic Miata
    <img src="$(KGrHqRHJFEFEklfUrhkBRJOykSTdw~~48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">

  24. I Think Not Avatar
    I Think Not

    I give you a 3-row, seven passenger, straight-8 sedan: The Packard Super 8!
    Pics are a bit potato-ey, but you can clearly see the three rows in the photos. Looks like an enormous car.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. muthalovin Avatar

      I was hoping to find a crapshoot worthy Packard, but only found awesome ones.
      <img src=""&gt;
      <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  25. I Think Not Avatar
    I Think Not

    How about this magnificently sharp VW kit car that got the DeLorean-in-1955 treatment…
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  26. Irishzombieman Avatar

    Multiple Morris Minor Coupes, in the middle of California hick country.
    <img src=""&gt;

  27. ptschett Avatar

    The "6 speed automatic" is misplaced, since it's a 2006 Ford Taurus.
    <img src="; width="500"/> <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Ran when oil stopped leaking.
      Its still hard to believe that the Herald became the Spitfire.

  28. ptschett Avatar

    And this is just on the wrong side of the 49th parallel, a Chrysler Intrepid.
    <img src="; width="500"/> <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. muthalovin Avatar

      I… I love it. Oh. Wow.

  29. Devin Avatar

    Fun fact, Mitsubishi didn't start selling cars in Canada until 2002, so a '96 Eclipse would be pretty rare north of the border.
    Also, someone did this to one:
    <img src="$T2eC16dHJGwE9n)yUstuBQZj+-eKEw~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    A Fast and Furious replica they call it

    1. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
      Scandinavian Flick

      <img src=""&gt;

      1. Devin Avatar

        The Eclipse diet: Eat all meals looking at that Eclipse. Lose all the pounds.

  30. P161911 Avatar

    Sure you see lots of Kei trucks for sale for farm/off road use, most are from the late 1980s or earlier, here's a 1971 Daihatsu in the north Georgia mountains.
    <img src=""width=500&gt;….
    Shouldn't be a problem finding parts.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      It would be the tiniest and cutest PCH ever.

      1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        At least it'd be easy to push.

        1. fodder650 Avatar

          I can see the newest question of the day article "What PCH would a woman restore"

        2. P161911 Avatar

          That's what I said when I had my Fiat 850 pch. The next project I got was a 1967 Imperial.

  31. P161911 Avatar
    1. muthalovin Avatar

      Would take this:
      <img src=""&gt;

  32. P161911 Avatar

    A 1993 Honda Beat in Georgia, good luck getting that on the road.
    <img src=""width=500&gt;….
    Only 5 more years and you might be able to get a tag for it.

    1. I Think Not Avatar
      I Think Not

      Until then, trailer it to ALL THE AUTOCROSSES!

    2. Devin Avatar

      I want a Beat so much, even though I'd probably look like Noddy if I attempted to sit in one.

    3. danleym Avatar

      He's not kidding when he said he keeps it inside. Looking at the pictures it is currently sitting in between his dining room table and his couch.
      I've never met this guy, but I think we would be friends. And I think my wife would hate his influence on me.

      1. Tomsk Avatar

        He probably drove it in through the sliding patio door.

    4. Mad_Hungarian Avatar

      I see a Florida tag. Not the only still-illegal JDM car I have seen with 'em. Must be easy to bamboozle Florida DMV. Georgia requires the VIN for something like this to be verified in person by DMV or by affidavit of a police officer or a very limited number of other people. After which the number gets run through their computers. Not gonna happen.

    1. danleym Avatar

      Awesome, but I wouldn't trust the bungee cord tv retainer.
      <img src=""&gt;

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        Oh ye of little faith…

        1. theSwordswench Avatar

          danleym's never been in a real RV. Not talking about those $100,000 class-As either.

    1. Limey Avatar

      Mot an XJ6. Looks like an early Mk2, but I will need to do some research to be more specific

      1. dropgate Avatar

        See what I get for trusting the seller's description? 🙂

    1. danleym Avatar

      How is that registered? And unless the engine is sitting in the back, why would you bother with all the trouble?

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        If it's a Mexican car, it could have sneaked in (no pun intended). I have seen a car or two from Mexico, with TX plates and inspection.

  33. fodder650 Avatar

    How about an MG 1100. That's right its an ugly tiny sedan from the people who brought you the mini. You to can buy this shaped rust pile to restore into an unsellable mess. Have you ever wanted to smoke a Triumph Mayflower or Bantam American at a light? Have we got the car for you! You sir are buying a lot of history mostly because its been forgotten.
    All this for the low low price of $1000.
    <img src="; width="500">

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      "Have you ever wanted to smoke a Triumph Mayflower or Bantam American at a light?"
      Yes. Desperately.

      1. jeepjeff Avatar

        I'm pretty sure he means "beat one in a street race" not "drive a Triumph Mayflower or Bantam American that is burning more oil than gasoline". 😉

        1. fodder650 Avatar

          It is British. I could have meant both but i wasn't that creative.

    2. Mad_Hungarian Avatar

      LeMons, anyone?

    1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      Couldn't be that hard to get this titled as a Tempo, could it?

      1. smokyburnout Avatar

        Merkur Scorpio would be more honest but would probably draw more questions.
        It really DOES look like a big Tempo from the rear.

        1. duurtlang_ Avatar

          The Merkur XR4Ti was a rebadged Sierra. Wouldn't that be a better fit?

  34. smokyburnout Avatar

    The only Daihatsu I've ever seen for sale in the Northeast?
    <img src=""/&gt;
    "I have a friend with a 1991 Daihatsu Rocky
    Its got a bad head gasket and does not want to fixe it

    Color red/ moron" <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. Devin Avatar

      I read that to the tune of "Rocky Raccoon."
      And I don't know if I want a moron-painted car.

    2. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      I've seen a nearly-identical one in my friend's psycho ex's old parking lot in southern NH. Curiously, my friend had a beige CB9 Accord at the time.

    3. Mad_Hungarian Avatar

      Always seemed to me that the Rocky should have sold better in Philadelphia:
      <img src=""&gt;

  35. topdeadcentre Avatar

    Who on Dog's green Earth would pay the freight to bring a 1978 Fiat 126 from Europe to Lowell, Massachusetts? There's no practical reason to drive one in here during the 3/4 of a year that is winter or mud season, and you'd be rightfully scared to drive it in Mass traffic during the remaining few months!
    <img src=""&gt;
    Also classic is the poetic and exhaustively complete description in the ad text:
    "1978 fiat 126 from Europe
    Runs good
    Call loie"
    Just look at that faded patina in the red paint! A BARGOOOOOON at only $7495!

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      To enter it in one of those Eye-talian concours events?

    2. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
      mr. mzs zsm msz esq


    3. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      If anyone is stupid enough to want this, I'll go have a look for you. Hell, I'm tempted to try to track it down anyway.

  36. Tuneporter Avatar

    1986 Mercedes Benz 190E 2.3-16 Cosworth in the midwest. The ad says it has 195hp, so it must be the european model. Whatever the case, it's a rare find.
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      This is a serious contender. I'm from New Hampshire, won the school geography bee in fourth or fifth grade (something like that), and never knew there was a town called Piermont.

      1. topdeadcentre Avatar

        Just think of what it could look like if properly restored!
        <img src=""&gt;

    2. topdeadcentre Avatar

      A rare, obscure, foreign, and somewhat crappy car that nobody needs (except Hooniversal wingnuts), in a NH town nobody knows about! BRILLIANT!
      ABS plastic body! Seating for 4! 2CV engine! Heck, knock $4k off the price, and I'll be trying to explain to Ms. TDC just what that lump is under a tarp in the side yard, that wasn't there yesterday.

  37. RahRahRecords Avatar

    How about an obscure trim package?
    <img src=""&gt;
    SUPER RARE "MACHO" POWERWAGON – first introduced in 1977 in Dodge's adult toy line up. The MACHO option was continued thru 1979 with a few 1980's reportedly being built. The MACHO was an appearance package availible on Dodge's W-150 sweptline trucks which included factory roll bar, two-tone Satin black & (red, orange, green), wild yellow stripes & lettering, & yellow 15×8 wagon wheels. <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  38. Mad_Hungarian Avatar

    OK, well this is kinda like last week's winner, I realize, but that Pintobronco looks like it was assembled, you know, sort of responsibly, which takes all the fun out of it. This, on the other hand, is clearly the product of a weekend a long time ago whose details are otherwise forgotten, but which involved enough beer to make this seem like the greatest idea in the universe:
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      The ad claims it's a '65 but it's clearly a '67. This makes me wonder what else might be wrong with it.

    2. danleym Avatar

      I'm digging the headers that exit between the frames.

  39. curlypaul924 Avatar

    How about the original Sublime tour van?
    $6500 for this piece of history.
    <img src=""&gt;

  40. joshuman Avatar

    This is too good not to share. From the ad called "jdm drift truck project – $1900 (getting painted)"
    "1985 nissan pickup 220xxx wich is really fucking good for an 85 and it runs like its brand new, straight pipe with a magnaflow nissan titan tip dumped before the rearend needs a couple small things and itll be perfect , wanting to trade for an e30 or toyota something ! just let me know what your got , ill finish it and sell it for 2500 im in the middle of paint and getting new tires, just waiting for my next paycheck! 3604904627 txt only , or email me"….

  41. zsvdkhnorc Avatar

    It isn't too hard to find a body on a donor frame. I just found the combination of an old Volvo on an old International frame to be rather unique.
    <img src="; width="600">
    "1962 Volvo body built on a International Harvester frame and motor and frame. The vehicle has been sitting for about 4 years but did run before it was parked. I inherited the vehicle and I need to get it out of where it is currently. There is some rust to the hood and body. If anyone is looking for a cool project. This is it. I did drive it 5-6 years ago and it's a head turner. "….

  42. Avatar

    To keep your computer at its peak performance, update the
    graphic drivers on your computer. Reaction has been swift to yesterday’s
    report that EA was giving up on its quest to acquire
    Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two Interactive. Still another striking component
    is the rod’s portability.

  43. Diseño de paginas web Avatar

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