Classic GAZ Volga made better and worse by Kia

volga kia The  GAZ M21 Volga was a Soviet car produced from 1956 until 1970. It was designed to be the equivalent of the American Buick (maybe a little higher?), where the Zil can be thought of as a Cadillac. Like all communist cars it was quite a miserable vehicle. But as times change and we forget the bad. Currently Eastern Europe is undergoing some kind of a lust for those crappy cars. People all over are restoring them, rebuilding them, and selling these pearls of communist for ridiculous amounts of money. Whoever created the car in this video did something different. Instead of restoring, possibly re-engineering, or rebuilding, he took an existing vehicle and slapped GAZ 21-like front and rear ends on it. Viola! Job done! This designer’s/engineers’s/inhaler’s of bad stuff/boozer’s choice of donor vehicles was an obvious one, the Kia Amati. It’s an obvious choice because the Kia Amati was what the Soviets would have build if they suddenly developed an appetite for quality and technical advancement. The Amati was as generic of a luxury-looking automobile as anyone who ever created generic cars for TV and video-games spots could imagine. Therefore, the GAZ and the Amati were a mach made in automotive hell heaven Kid Rock concert. Hit the jump for the painfully long thirty minute video which takes a very close look at this marvelous machine. It really is perfect, down to to illuminated check engine light. [Thanks for the tip, Scott!] [youtube][/youtube]

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