
  • Crap, Now We Need to Learn Russian by The End of the Year




    Press play. Just do it. You’ll be treated to what looks like a mash-up of Transformers and Spiderman, but good. And in Russian, with a Volga. Then you’ll want to go here. A tip of the Stoli to Jonny L…no that’s too obvious. We’ll call him J. Lieberman over at Automoblog.

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  • Goat Chews on All-Natural Fuels




    No no, it’s okay, we’re still a car blog. Bear with us.

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  • VW Car-B-Que Puts the Grill in the Back, Where it Belongs




    VW Vortex member Thecleaner likes his VWs watercooled, but still pines for the days when the aircooled cars had their grills in the back. Having come across a clapped-out Cabriolet that was missing its top, he decided to set things right. He initially wanted to convert the car into a roadster but instead added a…

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  • Name That Part: Italian Stallion Edition




    Here’s a chance to show off both your car parts knowledge, and your appreciation of high quality film entertainment. The following picture is a part from a car, and if it were still on that car, 98.2% of you would guess it in a nanosecond. That’s why it was dragged out, naked and alone, so…

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  • The Lazy Man's Guide to Engine Removal




    We hope he was able to figure out how to get his cherry picker up higher before hoisting the engine into the recipient.

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  • We Weren't Kidding: 1990 Audi Coupe – $2500




    You thought our clever little line about EscortsForever’s rally gallery giving us Quattro Fever (aka H1-20V) was empty wordsmithing? Think again! One of the benefits of living in LA—aside from the police helicopters and wildfires—is a well-stocked Craigslist. One beautiful black UR-Quattro coming up! [Edit: Nevermind, we’re off our game today we’re merely talking about…

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  • Scoops, Lightbars and Mudflaps, Oh My!: Pictures from the Lake Superior Rally




    Reader EscortsForever has been so kinda as to grace us with a pile of shots from the pre-race parc expose from the Lake Superior Performance Rally. Quoth the photographer: Today is the beginning of the awesome. Between classes, I managed to get out to the parc expose (where the rally drivers show off their cars).…

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  • Whip It! Whip It Good…




    Everyone thinks they can drive well… only few actually can. One such Hoon (yes capital H for him) goes by the name Rob Krider. You may be familiar with his Racer Boy series over at SpeedSportLife, a great running column where he discusses what it takes to race at many various levels. You read the…

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  • In Case You Were Wondering, Aerodynamics Matter




    Your Hooniverse Public Service Announcement for this Friday afternoon: Triple-digit speeds and loose fiberglass body panels do not mix. That is all. Photo Source: Ron Lewis, Drag Racing Online, Via RacingNetSource, on Flickr.

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  • The Broken Road




    When I was in high school, my parents did what any sensible family living in the District of Columbia did in the 80s: they fled to the suburbs.  In a city where you couldn’t even guarantee the picking up of dead bodies, let alone the picking up of the trash, the promise of a remotely…

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