You thought our clever little line about EscortsForever’s rally gallery giving us Quattro Fever (aka H1-20V) was empty wordsmithing? Think again! One of the benefits of living in LA—aside from the police helicopters and wildfires—is a well-stocked Craigslist. One beautiful black UR-Quattro coming up! [Edit: Nevermind, we’re off our game today we’re merely talking about an Audi Coupe, not a true Quattro. Attach the stone of shame!]

Bam: $2500 OBO. The mileage is a little high, but that’s nothing Klaus, your local classic Audi mechanic can’t fix (for a wheelbarrow full of money). Even if you end up dropping thousands into it, $2500 is a decent starting point. From our seller:
Audi coupe quattro 20v with about 234,XXX miles. The car runs good, has a lot of extras and is all-wheel drive. 5spd 5 cylinder. Black on Black. I just got a new car so this one has to go, come check it out and make an offer.
You could be bombing over Angeles Crest all winter in style with one of these. Apparently scantily clad women will wash it for you, too [Update: even if it isn’t an UR-quattro].
Orange County (close enough) Craigslist (while it lasts!).
Top image source: Wikimedia Commons, because the seller only granted us with tiny pictures.
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