The Cammed & Tubbed Podcast: Episode 97 – I’m Old Greg With Greg Kachadurian

C&T 97

This week Jason and Brad are joined by Hooniverse News Editor Greg Kachadurian to talk about cars and stuff. Unfortunately Cam had to work late, making this only the second episode he has missed recording in almost two years (so maybe we’ll cut him some slack). Greg and I have been writing for the same outlets for at least 4 years, which is kinda cool. I met him last summer at the Monterey Motorsport Reunion at Laguna Seca, and I have to say, he’s an all around good dude. You may know him from recent Chicago Auto Show posts, or perhaps his weekly News segment on Friday (coming up in just a couple of hours here on

On this week’s episode: Jason regales us with a change of direction on his Project Eleanor (go back and listen to Emotional Eleanor, if you haven’t already), one of our excellent listeners has a question about car complexity, Brad did an oil change and put some meatballs on his Boxster, /Drive and TheDrive are now joined, and Guest Greg has some updates from the Chicago Auto Show. We had fun recording this one, and Greg is welcome back any time. We hope you like it.

The Cammed and Tubbed Podcast – I’m Old Greg

As always, we’d really appreciate it if you would rate us on iTunes, share us with your friends, and maybe if you’re feeling nice, go give us a ‘like’ on Facebook. Also, go check out our curated music playlists on YouTube.

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4 responses to “The Cammed & Tubbed Podcast: Episode 97 – I’m Old Greg With Greg Kachadurian”

  1. Maymar Avatar

    I’m still about a week from being caught up, but I will be very disappointed if, during the 3 D’s, one of you isn’t drinking Bailey’s from a shoe.

    1. Greg Kachadurian Avatar
      Greg Kachadurian

      … shit.

  2. Fuhrman16 Avatar

    What’s this about World Challenge being on Motortrend?

    1. Bradley Brownell Avatar
      Bradley Brownell

      MotorTrend OnDemand. It’s their new streaming service. I think it’s 10 dollars a month.

      I saw Lieberman mention something about it being ‘exclusively’ on MTOD, but I have seen no corroboration.