Project Civic Si(gh): OH THE HUMANITY!… she's dead, Jim

civic engine 10 What follows is a tale of carnage. A tale of destruction and death. What follows is the story of how my freshly fixed 2000 Honda Civic Si decided it was time to bow out of the game. You may recall my recent tale of woe, which saw myself and the Civic stuck on the side of the 5 Freeway. Now comes time to actually being taking the car apart to reveal the horrors that await inside the formerly freshly clean engine bay. Take a deep breath, collect your emotions, and make the jump to eyeball a symphony of destruction. civic engine 6   This image is the new background on my phone. It’s like destruction art in that it creates a feeling of both hilarity and horror at the same time. This is the automotive equivalent of the smiling and crying masks, comedy and tragedy. civic-engine-damage-logo I’m a bit bummed that no one got the reference in my last post on the car. You now must go back, examine the title, and figure out why it fits rather well with this photo. civic engine 3 civic engine 4 civic engine 7 The destruction is, as I said, pretty extensive. Still, we have yet to dive in and fully examine the valves and the head. The car has been recovered from its Oceanside, California resting place and is now sitting in the garage of the man who initially worked on it. He was on vacation in Aruba when all of this went down, and he feels terrible about it. The plan is to dive in and see if we can do anything to turn this situation around. Still, his initial assessment is that “16 cute little valves most likely resemble tacos” at the moment. This makes me laugh… and cry a little on the inside. Comedy and tragedy, my friends.   civic engine 8 civic engine 9 civic engine 11 civic engine 12 civic engine civic timing belt So where do we go from here? Well, we have to wait until we get the complete picture of the damage. Richard is hard at work tearing the engine apart to figure out what’s wrong and also how it went wrong, if he can. Stay tuned for the next update on the car because it will be one of two stories: 1) We are going to rebuild it. 2) Does anyone want a Honda lawn ornament? That’s all I know at the moment. [Images copyright 2014 Hooniverse/Richard Radcliffe]

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